Chapter 4: trouble and reunions

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Back in the machine that we are in Hester decides to  tell Tom about how she lost her mother when she was 8. "Valentine was good friends with My mom her name was Pandora and he always treated me kindly came to visit us daily when he could" she continued on while laying against me. "Everything was going great until the day that my mother and Valentine both found something that my mom knew Valentine wanted for his own dark purposes. They fought over it, i watched as Valentine stabbed my mother in front of me"
I screamed running at him he slashed my face in the process my mother than grabbed him from me". She had tears in her eyes I held her and kissed her head Tom watched listening to every detail "Before dying, my mom gave me a necklace with an eye symbol, and told me to never lose it I finally escaped." Tom sat for a moment processing what he heard. They tried to get some rest I said up watching over Them trying to figure out how to fix all this.
Meanwhile Valentine goes to an offshore prison to find Shrike, who is a half-cyborg/half-zombie-like creature who has a history with Hester and Y/n. "What would you do if I gave you a chance to be free"? He asked Shrike calmly, shrike yelled proudly "kill Hester and Y/n" he hollered punching the walls of his cell screaming the names again over and over. He is angry with them for going back on a promise they made to him, and he wants them both dead. Valentine destroys the prison and lets Shrike run free to go after the two lovers. "Are you sure about this sir" the pilot asked, he glanced down and glanced away "let's go home" and they flew back to London.

Back on the machine Y/n wakes up Tom and Hester saying something isn't right and hears screams and commotion outside the door. Tom tries to open it but it's locked "I knew those two seemed to nice and familiar they're scavengers but they kidnap people to be sold off or who knows what else. Tom starts to freak out and finds a way out I grabbed my knife ready to attack when needed the door suddenly opens and I stand guarding Hester "let's go move out move it" the keeper said Hester grabbed me on one side Tom the other and helped me carry out the door. We are brought before an auction in Rustwater where we are to be sold off as slaves. When Hester is brought up for purchase, I walked up with her slashed the man in the gut for touching her "you fucking bitch" before he finished a woman shot at him and hollered "I'll gladly take the girls off your hands"

The auctioneer knows who that woman was and Y/n did as wel "Anna you son of a bitch I am so glad to see you" I laughed she winked at me and looked back at the auctioneer "you see Anna you are  a fugitive wanted by London with a price on your head bigger than anyone ever knew" he says while people start to surround her I laughed knowing what was about to happen "y'all are so screwed fat ass" before he hit me Anna shoots him to pieces and destroys everyone else around her She frees me than I free  Hester and unfortunately Tom while she is killing the auctioneer and several of his men. "I hugged her tightly you are a sight for sore eyes" she laughed "y'all three come on my aircraft, the Jenny Haniver is close by". In the midst of all the chaos they are also spotted by Shrike.

"Hester! Y/n"!! He yells "oh shit it's shrike run"! I said we all sprinted to the aircraft. Tom is the last to get on and we had to throw a rope to save him. Shrike attempts to climb up and catch us as Tom is climbing the rope to the aircraft. Anna throws Hester a knife "you need to cut the rope" she throws it to Tom to cut Shrike loose. He does so and shrike falls to the ground I help him in the craft and he sits down. "Y/nn you alright you got a cut" she says concerned and grabs her first aid kit "hey I've had worse tis but a flesh wound" I said in my accent (I hope y'all get that movie reference) she cleans me up "who are you"? Hester asks noticing how close me and Anna are " Names Anna Fang I was a family friend of your moms, I was also Y/n's caregiver after we lost her parents" I sat uncomfortably knowing where this may go later.
"After your moms death we heard you survived Y/n and I went looking for you but we got separated one night I felt like I lost her. As I was searching for you I got lucky y'all were ending up in a town I was visiting" I hugged her again "thank you for helping us". She smiled nodding her head, before anything goes further Tom gets upset and starts raising his voice  "why the fuck was that thing looking for you" he started working up I stood up pulled my knife out "yell at her or get close again I'll fucking kill you shut the fuck up and back off you piss ant" I yelled he got scared and backed down I stormed out and walked outside "can you not piss off my girlfriend and be a dick for 5 minutes" Hester said following me out the door. He looks at Anna "kid you're a fucking idiot" and walks away to fly the aircraft  confining fly toward their next destination Tom realizes he needs to fix things and goes out after us to apologize.

Back In London Herbert goes to find Valentine to suck up to him "I have valuable information Mr. Valentine" he glared at him and walked away "and who are you"? "I'm chief Herbert sir" Valentine laughed "you ain't shit boy and my daughter was with Tom not you so get lost" he looked hurt by that comment but ignored it "I found out of a cache of old tech that has been discovered in Tom's office, and Herbert now has Valentine's attention. "Show me peasant" and they took off to the museum. Back on the aircraft Tom came out to where Hester and I stood, she had her arm around me whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
"Shrike saved my life, after I rain away from my home, Shrike found me and raised me for years as his own daughter". I shifted nervously knowing I had to explain my past to him. "I met Y/n while I was on board apparently at the time she had been found by him to but she was captured actually". Tom looked with sadness but listened  "He had always noticed how sad i was, except when I was with Y/n, growing up we helped Shrike and bonded. He knew I was still sad and he offered a solution to make the pain go away. Shrike revealed a robotic body he made for me, so that i can die and be reborn as a machine with no memory of the horrors of my childhood. I almost took him up on the offer but Y/n did some searching and heard about Valentine being close, so She snuck me out and we headed off to hunt him down and left Shrike alone and angered by our deception."

We walked inside after she told them that I knew I had to speak so I stood against the front of the craft Hester next to me while Tom sat across from us "I wasn't but 5 years old when I lost my parents, they died protecting me we were ambushed by some thugs they beat up my dad grabbed my mother and I said they would take money or they would take me instead". I started tearing up knowing this part hurt Hester grabbed my hand, Anna came over putting us on auto pilot to help  me tell the story. "My mother grabbed the knife she had and started slicing the thugs throats who had me the last one uh wasn't so easy.." I said trialing off Anna continued for me as I walked outside not wanting to hear it "as Y/n was laying on her side to get up the thug pulled out a gun shot both her mom and dad right in front of her".

Tom gasped and felt like an asshole for being rude, Hester knew the story but not the full details and all she did was look out towards where Y/n was "before he grabbed Y/n I showed up and blasted him back, she was scared at first but than let me help her I cleaned her up fed her and she joined my group I raised her ever since". "When she got older she was about 8 we heard about Pandora being killed and Hester being alive so she came with me to set out to find her unfortunately we got separated and I thought I lost her". Anna said sadly "shrike found her wondering around the outlands she was ambushed and he saved her". Anna finished I came back in and laid on Hester finally falling asleep.

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