Alyssa I

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Alyssa giggled and shrieked as her father made his dragon do complex twirls and dives through the sky. She had never been as happy as she was in that moment, strapped to her father's chest and pressed between him and Baelon who himself was strapped to the dragon's back. Her father was smiling and cheering just as much as her, though Baelon was strangely silent.

"Are you not enjoying yourself, my son?" It seemed that father had noticed Baelon's mood as well.

"I am father," her brother replied though his voice shook, "But this is the first time I've ever rode a dragon," That was true but Alyssa had no clue what it had to do with how quiet he was being. After all, it was her first time too.

"Your second time," father corrected him and Alyssa found herself wondering when he had rode a dragon before and why he hadn't decided to tell her, "There is no reason to be afraid, Baelon. Nobody can harm you while Caraxes and your father are near." Alyssa agreed with him on that.

Caraxes was massive, big enough to carry all three of them and her and Baelon's clothes and looked very ferocious. She couldn't imagine anything challenging him, especially not with her father around.

Despite how big and ferocious Caraxes was her father said that even he could not fly straight to the capital from their home, because of that they were forced to land at a scary castle for the night where Alyssa saw more dragons than she ever dreamed of.

Father hadn't let her watch them for long before putting the siblings to sleep however. Even though she was angry with him for taking her away he was right that she was tired, she fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

The castle was as scary during the day as it was at night but it wasn't all bad, the servants there called her 'Princess' and her brother 'Prince' while serving them a massive breakfast and dressing them in beautiful black clothes with red dragons styled on the front and back. Back home those things only happened when important people like Jeyne were visiting.

Alyssa had pouted when the servants went about brushing her and Baelon's hair, she had always been jealous that he had been gifted with their father's pretty silver while Alyssa was cursed with the boring black hair of their mother.

Though she supposed Baelon had to get something of their father's. After all, everyone always said that Alyssa had her father's eyes, mouth, nose, and brow. The inverse was true for her brother, his face resembled their mothers greatly and his eyes had been lightened by her pale blue.

Despite how comfortable it was they weren't allowed to stay in the castle long as father strapped them back on to Caraxes and started the second half of the flight to the capitol.

Now that Alyssa had stopped yelling and laughing her father had too went silent for a while, Alyssa was old enough to realise it was one of those silences that Baelon said shouldn't be broken and so she kept quiet.

"With father dying Vhagar will be riderless," Father said eventually and joy flooded Alyssa's chest, she was smart enough to understand where this was going, "Once the two of you turn seven or eight I would take you to try your hand at taming her."

Alyssa didn't try to stop herself from pouting, "Why can't we tame her now?" She knew she sounded spoiled but Baelon and her father often listened to her more when she did.

Father didn't answer for a moment and she feared she had said something wrong, she looked down at her brother but his eyes were focused on father's face.

"You're too young," he said finally, "I had wished to claim a dragon when I was your age as well but it is too dangerous," Alyssa felt tears start to burn at her eyes but she tried to hide them, Baelon would be disappointed if she cried over something small like this.

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