Baelon I

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I stood by my sister and mother as we watched a large beautiful red dragon land in our courtyard at Runestone. A tall man stepped off and removed the dragon winged helmet he wore, showing his handsome face to the world and letting his silver hair flow.

My mother scoffed beside me.

I took a moment to study the man's features as he approached my sister and I, though not before he cast a dirty look my mother's way.

Daemon was the most handsome man I had seen in this life, short as it had been, or the one before it and was prettier than most women; only my mother had him beat.

He was tall and strong but more lean than muscular. His eyes a dark purple and on his lips was a confident smirk. My father wore a black gambeson with a red three headed dragon on the front and on his hip hung Dark Sister.

He stopped in front of me and spoke Valyrian, almost too quickly for me to catch and I knew my sister didn't understand a word of it. It was only thanks to how simple what he said truly was that I caught it at all, truth be told.

"How have you been my son?" He had a faint look of what I thought was pride on his face as he spoke and I was reminded again of how different this Daemon was from what I expected.

I had been born into this world almost four years ago now, the younger of a set of twins.

I had screamed and cried when I came into the world and hadn't been able to stop until I was firmly wrapped in my mother's arms and drinking from her.

Everything had felt so loud and bright and cold that I don't think I even understood what had happened. Though that didn't last for long.

I had died and realized pretty quickly where I was. They spoke English thankfully enough and there were only so many people that a silver haired purple eyed man named Daemon who wore a black tunic with a red dragon could be after all.

My father had proclaimed my name to be Baelon and my sister's Alyssa. He seemed happy in those days, not that he often was seriously angry around me or my sister anyway. But it was the happiest I had ever seen my father and mother be while in the same room together.

My father had only been 16 at the time and my mother 22 but both seemed enamored with the idea of children of their own. Perhaps they thought that they'd be able to make their marriage work and eventually they could find love for each other. But my father and mother had thought the same when I had been born in my previous life and the result was hardly different here.

The two just weren't compatible and neither wished to be married to the other. My mother thought Daemon too arrogant and immature and my father thought his wife overbearing and boring.

The Rogue Prince stayed in Runestone for the first 2 months after my birth, partially to see if any dragons would hatch from the eggs he had given us and partly due to how in love he was with the idea of holding something he had created.

It was said constantly of my sister and I that we took after our father a great deal. My sister had his eyes and I had his hair and we both had his complexion.

But we did not take after the prince completely. My sister had the black hair of our mother while my eyes were much brighter than her and father's dark purple, a lavender so bright it looked almost pink in the correct lighting.

Neither of our eggs ended up hatching, a fact which dampened Daemon's enthusiasm slightly but not by much. When we were two months old he took us flying on a short flight on Caraxes for the first time.

"My mother did this when I was your age," he always spoke to us wistfully and slowly in Valyrian those days.

Alyssa had taken to flying like a natural, making little sounds reminiscent of giggles and smiling the whole time. I on the other hand had been terrified, though I have to admit it was by far the most exhilarating thing I'd done in either life.

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