Movies over

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Movies Over

English Translation:


Yeah yeah oh oh oh

Yeah yeah oh oh oh

Yeah yeah oh oh oh

Oh oh oh


It's less painful than I thought

I go out to play, sleep at the right time, and hear from pretty girls.

It's hardly possible that love doesn't make me live.

It's totally impossible, impossible. I blanked out you already.


Woah woah woah woah (U-Kwon: yeah)

Woah woah woah woah (U-Kwon: woah baby)


I will get out of your mind.

Would you leave me out with flying colors?


Woah woah woah woah

Woah woah woah woah yeah


This is enough.

You and I are separated again.


Movie's over. The movie's over.

The curtain rings down as soon as the movie starts.

Bye bye good bye bye

Don't make it bad oh girl. Please just leave me.

The story was like a dream.

Our relationship is over this time. It's over.

Uh uh it's over uh A~!


We have fought because of such trivial matters easily.

We just tried to diminish each other overlooking our faults.


I don't want this happens again since it's obvious that it will be repeated.

We don't need to meet because we know we will bicker over again.

Only dust comes out after brushing dirty clothes.A scar will be left even though the wound heals up.


Something is left like a knockoff sticker.

You fall me off after, leaving a messy trail.

Although the more frictions we get, the hotter we can be.

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