|Chapter VI: Scents|

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Scout hesitantly stepped toward the pair of yellow eyes crouched under in between the bushes and a loud snarl followed her movement.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I won't come any closer, but why did Segolia send me to hunt you down?..." Scout spun around and she snarled loudly, as she was face-to-face with another wolfblood and a girl this time.

"I'm not here to hurt you! I'm here to help Casey, bloody hell!" The older girl snapped and Scout's eyes widened, as she backed up a little and looked at her, then back at Casey.

"If you're here to help, then you had better disguise your scent if you know how." Scout advised as she crouched down into the grass, resting her hands on it and waiting for the feeling of the wolf once again.

When Scout opened her eyes and the others saw that they shone golden she began a search through Eolas, to see whether it was true that only she had been sent to look.

Scout stood up and she sighed loudly when she was looking over, to where the duo of one wolf and a human were both watching her.

"I'm the only one who has been sent out to look for you so far, but you still need to keep your scents disguised. If anyone finds out that I let you go... it won't be pretty." She murmured and a low growl came from the girl.

"Do you know why he can't shift back?"

"I have no idea. I always thought that it was a preference thing but I have to go and help someone else. But before I do, I have a small place where you can hide." Scout said and held out her hand to the older girl, who got up on her own, brushing off her pants and her jacket. "Who are you, anyways?"

"Julianna. Julianna Smith." The girl shook hands with Scout, who nodded a little. "You were one of the Segolia wolfbloods that worked under Victoria Sweeney to try and help us escape from Kincaid." Julianna remembered.

"Put heavy emphasis on the word, "tried", will you." Scout murmured as Casey crept out from under the bush a bit and his wolf form was matted, dirt filled. "Jesus, Casey, you really do look like shit." The wolf growled at her and Scout sighed a little. "Good to see you, though. Follow me." She said.

The two wolfbloods took off after her and Scout eventually led them to their new hiding spot, an old entrance into a sewer that had long since dried up.

"It isn't exactly a palace, but nobody even knows about this place, except for Jana and I. You will be safe here, at least until I can figure out why it is that Segolia seems to now, want you brought in." Scout said and they both nodded and Casey whined. "I will bring you some food soon enough, all right? Just hide until then." She said and once they had dropped fearlessly inside, she turned around and swiftly, she took off running.

Scout heard her phone ringing as she ran and she sighed, picking it up with her earpiece. "Scout." She said.

"Would you meet us at the Kafe?" It was Matei and Scout growled faintly a bit.

"I need to have some words with Terrence, about who exactly he gives my phone number to." Scout said and she hung up, as she walked into the Kafe. "Hi Katrina." She mumbled as she walked right over to Jana, whose eyes were concerned as she looked at her. "I'll explain later. What's up?" She asked as they got a booth and Scout sat next to Jana, half-lost in her own head.

"Scout. Scout!" Jana's voice broke through and Scout glanced at her with raised eyebrows. "Have you heard a single word?" She asked and Scout was shaking her head, trying to be honest.

"Jana can help you, I have things to do." Scout said and she saw that her hands were shaking, as she stood up and went to the counter. "Twelve burgers and four vanilla milkshakes to go please Katrina." She said and at the massive order, Katrina nodded and went to work.

"What is going on? You look like you have seen a ghost or something, like it actually hurt you. What's wrong?" The intuition that Jana had was both a blessing and a curse, as Scout looked at her and started piling the food into her bag.

"Can you think of any possible reasons, as to why Segolia would want me to bring in Julianna Smith, of all wolfbloods?" Scout spat out the words without thinking and Jana was looking at her in surprise.

"Segolia sent you to track down and bring in Julianna Smith? She is here, in Newcastle?" Jana asked quietly and Scout nodded.

"In the Den. I don't know why they want me to bring her in, but she was adamant that she couldn't be caught. I think she's scared of something, but I had to come here, so I couldn't get the full story." Scout was making up parts of the story as to avoid mentionin' the part about Casey and him now, being inherently stuck in his wolf form.

"Could you please help Matei and Emilia? They trust you more than they trust me, I will take your bag and the food to the Den." Jana murmured and Scout sighed, handing the bag over to Jana. "You won't regret this..."

"Yes, I probably will. Get going." Jana took off with the food and three of the milkshakes, as Scout paid and Matei held out her keys to her. Scout took the lanyard back and hung it around her neck. "Come on." She said and TJ had paid for the other drinks, while it was Scout who was now, stuck doing Ansion and it was like a layer of fear was covering her ability to do it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" TJ asked as Scout was shaking as she did her best to pull the only skill, that she had not used in years, back up and onto the surface of herself.

"It has been a very long time since I did this." Scout murmured and finally she felt it, and her eyes shone golden.

The smell of smoke filled her nostrils as her veins began to creep up across her body and her breathing changed, as she shut her eyes and tears ran off of her face. "What? What are you seeing?" Matei asked.

"There was a face... a boy in the window." Scout said and her voice was shaky, as she shook her head and her eyes opened. The glow of her eyes faded and they were back to the earth brown, as she gave the ring back to Matei and her hands trembled.

"Did he start the fire?!"

"I don't know!" Scout snapped at the constant questions and Matei silently got the unspoken message to back the hell off, when she was shaking her head at the questions. "I don't know, I'm sorry." She said and TJ looked at her, as Scout's veins were struggling to disappear as the wolf inside of her, it sensed the fear and the pain. "I'm sorry." She said and TJ looked at her, as she stood up and took off running.

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