|Chapter IV: Home, But Not|

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After Scout had been debriefed and given more than a full earful about all the drama at Northumbria Animal Park, she had finally been free to go from it all.

Scout pulled her flat keys out of her shirt, as she had them on the end of a lanyard that she kept around her neck and she sniffed quickly. "How did you find me?" She asked.

"Like you said, you go to school with us." Matei pointed out and Scout growled a little, as she turned around to look at him, lifting her eyebrows.

"What do you want, Covaci? We both have school, tomorrow, we should be doing homework, not talking." Scout stated and silently, Matei looked over his shoulder and he stepped to the side without delay. Scout saw that it was Emilia and she looked ashamed of the events. "What even is this?" She asked and to her surprise, Emilia ran forward and hugged her.

"It was my fault! I wolfed out, not on purpose, but I did... thank you, I mean, you rescued us." Emilia said and Scout looked at the younger girl, before she returned the hug with a quiet sigh.

"Did you two want to come in?" Scout asked and Emilia looked over at Matei and then up at Scout, who noted the hungry grumbling of their stomachs... right along with her own. "Right, come on in." She said and pushed the door open, as the two walked right in and Emilia made a beeline straight for the couch.

"Why did you help us? Other than the fact that you know what it's like to be locked in a cage?" Matei asked and Scout's scent briefly disappeared, as a look of surprise came over his face and Scout shut the door behind the duo.

"It is in my job description, Matei. I work for Segolia and I'm the head of the tracking, locating and the retrieval of wolfbloods in captivity. It usually only happens on the days of a day before the dark moon... but like I noted, I could do it at any point. I have milk, coffee, orange juice, apple juice... what does Emilia like to drink anyway?" Scout asked as she put on a pot of coffee for herself and turned on the oven, throwing bacon into a pan and pulling out an entire chicken.

"Orange juice." Matei said and as he finally spoke up, Scout had started to carve the chicken.

"Get it yourself. Orange juice is the second shelf down in the fridge, cups are in the cupboard right at the height of your head." Scout said quietly and she continued carving the chicken, as the coffee was finished.

Scout put the separate pieces of the chicken into the oven and she swiftly shut the door, as she washed her hands and wiped them on a towel really quickly.

Scout grabbed herself a cup and poured coffee into it, and she was munching on some raw bacon, while she waited for the better stuff to cook in the oven and in the pan.

She drank down the entire mug of coffee, before she drank three more in quick succession, and, by the time that she was on her fourth mug of coffee, the chicken was done and she pulled it out of the oven.

"Here you go." Scout said and she swiftly put the tray of chicken onto the coffee table in front of the siblings, as they immediately started stabbing at the chicken with forks.

Scout stole the chicken wings and left the rest for them, as she ate the bacon and drank her coffee.

"You two grounded?" She asked and Emilia had pretty much passed out, as they had eaten the entire chicken for themselves.

"Pretty much forever. You?" Matei asked and Scout shook her head a bit at the words. "Where are your parents, anyway?" He asked.

"Mom is dead, Dad is... back in Nebraska." Scout said and her voice tightened at the mention of her dad, a psycho if she had ever seen one as she looked over at Emilia.

"You live alone?" Matei sounded surprised by that and Scout nodded a little and she was shrugging a little bit at the surprise. "Why, don't you have a pack?" He asked.

"Closest thing, that I have got to a pack now is Segolia. My family's pack is back in America... but the intended alpha of the pack is either dead, or on the run from them." Scout murmured and Matei glanced at her.

"Are you talking about yourself then?" Scout scoffed at the words and the question, until she realized that he was really asking it in all seriousness.

"Sorry... I guess it works differently here, then in America. Back home in Nebraska, the oldest child who doesn't have their own pack or their mate, is the one, who is the chosen one, who is the pick to inherit the alpha position. I was the youngest cousin of the to-be alpha. But my dad. He betrayed us and drove my cousin out. He sent the whole pack out after him to kill him. I don't know where he ended up after that." Scout admitted and Matei was looking worried at the words. "I won't turn you two into Segolia, but you can understand why I would do it if I had to,... right?" She asked and Matei was nodding.

"How did you end up here?"

"I got in contact with Segolia after my father threatened to kill me, or worse, and then next thing I knew, I was on a plane and that was three years ago." It was a shortened version, of what had happened. "I spoke out against him in public, in front of the entire pack and he nearly had the Betas beat me to death." She said and shook her head.

"Segolia helped you get out?" He questioned and she nodded a little, as she reached up and her hand closed around the dog-tag like shapes around her neck. "Where did you get them? The tags?" Matei asked.

"My cousin. The one I mentioned that was meant to be leader. He had one to match, they used to have nicknames on them. I have another set with my nickname on them." Scout said as she looked over at Emilia. "That scar on her face... fire?" She questioned and Matei nodded.

"We should go, or our foster parents will be even angrier at us all. Emilia." Matei said and Scout was shrugging a little, and she looked over at the two wolfbloods.

"You can stay if you want, can't believe I'm offering." Scout suggested and Matei glanced at Emilia, who was now curled up in a small ball of fur as a wolf on the couch and he sighed, as he nodded reluctantly. "You can eat whatever you can find... but we need to be at school on time tomorrow. So don't stay up." She said and Matei was raising his eyebrows, and, she went to the door and locked it.

Scout went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, before she went into her room and shut the door.

Scout took off the tags and very quietly, she looked at them with pain in her eyes.

Scout silently hung them on the wall, off of one of her many sorts of boards around her room.

Scout took off her jacket swiftly, and she tossed it onto the back of the desk chair and she eventually after staring at the ceiling for a long time with her headphones on over her ears, she was finally able to get some semblance of sleep.

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