Part 3: Wolf Pack Clearing

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Harry jumped onto the wolf's back and he trotted forward, following a path that had suddenly appeared in front of them. They kept on the path for six minutes exactly and then turned to the left where there was a stone archway with what seemed like an endless brick tunnel beyond. 

When they turned it suddenly transformed into a large forest clearing with about fifteen wolves, all of different sizes and colors, some were white, some grey, some red or tawny brown but they all had the same colored eyes, black with turquoise and muddy brown splashes in them.

All of these unusual eyes turned to Harry as they came in, "Err," said Harry unsure of what to do, and fortunately the silver-grey wolf came to his rescue by whistling shrilly so three of them jumped in line. First, a red wolf came forward and said his name was Achak then a snow-white wolf, Lunian, leaped into line closely followed by another, tawny brown, Lobo.

"These are my children Mr. Wizard."

"Um, okay..nice to meet you?"

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Wizard," said Achak, the red wolf in a surprisingly high voice, and the others chorused "Yes, nice to meet you," all in very peculiar voices indeed.

"Excuse them for their voices," said the silver-grey wolf seeing that Harry looked a little confused. "You see, magical wolves have a time in their life where their voice breaks, literally break, and are slowly put back together and so it makes their voice sound a little funny for a while.

He barked sharply and three tiny wolves came forward, nudging each other playfully, they were all jet black with cream-colored paws, ears, and muzzles.

"This is Jet, Nyx, and Maan," nodding to each of them in turn "They are my little grandchildren."

"Wait," said Harry "What's your name?"

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