The Knights of Favonious were generally welcoming and it didn't seem like you had to do any immigration paperwork, so that's a bonus.

The two of you finally broke through the trees and spotted the stone walled city surrounded by a glistening lake. You started to make your way to the bridge that connected the island city to the mainland but was stopped by a gentle tug at your elbow.

"Wait, you look ridiculous, you can't enter the city in a hoodie and sweatpants."

You put your hands on our hips and rolled your eyes. "Says who?"

"Says me. You want to avoid questions about where you came from? Don't show up wearing something people don't wear in any of these countries."

"Well then let's go get some clothes." You started to go on your way but another tug pulled you back.

"You don't have any money dumbass."

You threw your hands up. "Well then whatta ya want me to do?"

He shrugged. The black tassels on his lapels swung and jingled. "Steal it."

"Doesn't God say 'Do Not Steal'?"

"God's not here right now." He exhaled sharply. "Besides, I'm trying to keep you alive. I already messed up once and I don't want to lose you."

You couldn't stop the small smile that creeped on your face. You grabbed the hand that had come up to play with the dangling sleeve of his jacket and cupped it gently.

"I'll be careful, I promise. Just cus I wanna fuck shit up, doesn't mean I'm gonna be a total idiot."

He laughed and you felt a warmth in your stomach. "You're still going to be a partial idiot?"

Your lips pursed to stop the laughter that wanted to escape. "I can't stop the occasional bout of idiocy that may pop up."

You felt your hand be squeezed before it was dropped. "I guess that's the best I'm gonna get."


The two of you shared a chuckle and continued the trek to the bridge. Now, not under the cover of any trees, the sun beat down heavily on your skin. You could feel the heat seep into your pores and your skin heat up from the light.

Despite his claim of annoyance earlier, Ariel seemed to be doing fine. His draped clothing that covered him from head to toe didn't affect him at all as he marched through the grass, a look of determination fitted on his face.

You had to bite your lip when you caught his eye and he tilted his head like a confused puppy.

Eventually the two of you reached the bridge. You spotted Timmie and his pigeons, not feeling too bad that you were gonna scare them all off.

Walking across it, the inevitable happened and the birds flew away, Timmie crying in desperate despair that his only friends had abandoned him just like his father before.

Maybe that was a little harsh.

"We'll have to steal clothes inside the city. We just have to make sure the least amount of people see us." You turned to him slightly, making sure not to be too obvious that you were talking to someone invisible. "Can you touch intangible objects? I feel like I shoulda asked that earlier but I forgot."

"I can but it would look very strange to see floating clothes go down the street."

"Alright scrapping that idea." You sighed.

His nose wrinkled and you laughed, probably sounding insane to anyone who was looking at you right now.

You got to the gate and the guards simply smiled at you, welcoming you with a 'strange yet respectable Traveler'.

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