Period Cramps: Pepper Potts & reader

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This is with Pepper. Not sure if she took Stark as well as kept Potts so I couldn't do initials

Description: Reader is having period cramps and Pepper helps

Warnings: none

Pronouns: they/them maybe but probably safe for all

Your Pepper's kid in this (you can choose if your also Tony's idc maybe your adopted idk)

Nicknames: honey, my love, sweetheart, darling

   Laying on your bed you groaned grasping your stomach. Having asked Bucky to pick you up early from school you were now laying waiting for the cramps to go away. Of course you'd told Bucky you thought maybe you had the flu even though it was quite obvious he knew you were lying. Your mom was apparently at some sort of press thing according to Sam and wouldn't be back until 3 or 4 PM. It wasn't even noon now.

Hearing a knock on your door you managed out a small "come in" before returning to the fetal position you were laying in. The door opened slowly and you saw your mom there in her usual work outfit, a typical suit and heels. "What's wrong honey? Bucky said you thought you might have the flu?" You pushed out a small chuckle despite still being in pain "no. It's cramps" "oh my love I'm so sorry. Have you taken medicine?" "No I just wanted to lay down" "let me go grab you some I'll be right back sweetheart" she said before walking out again, her heels tapping on the floor of the tower.

   "Here honey, here's a drink too" she said handing you the medicine and drink. Quickly you took the medicine and a sip of the drink before setting the cup on your nightstand. "Do you need anything?" She asked you. "No....can you just come lay with me though?" You asked your mother. "Sure I can sweetheart. Give me a few minutes to get out of these clothes first?" She asked you and you nodded watching her walk to her bedroom, presumably to change into lounging clothes and out of her work clothes. Repositioning to now lay on your bed normally rather than in the center of it you let your eyes shut, silently wondering when your mom would be back. Not much to your surprise your door creaked open a few moments later and your bed dipped. "How are you feeling?" She asked you, you sighed before responding "a little bit better"

"Wanna watch some TV? A movie maybe?" She proposed and you turned around to her, opening your eyes and letting out a small smile and a nod. "Sure. You can pick Momma" "thank you darling" she said turning on your TV and choosing a movie, "oh! I brought a heating pad too" she said handing it to you. After plugging it in almost immediately Pepper hugged you, letting one of her arms rest over top your shoulder that was on the bed, kissing the back of your head. "Thanks Momma, for all this. You can tell Bucky what was really up if you want" "are you sure?" "Yeah he definitely knew I was lying so I think it's best you tell him" she nodded chuckling. "He'll appreciate that" "I know he will" the two of you laid in silence watching the movie together. I guess Sam called and told her you were sick

Hey :) I actually left school early because of cramps so I figure this might be w nice one to put out. What's everyone think? Please request!


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