Kian POV

I went to check on liah because I know she's hurt this is not the first time this has happen with her dad and his girlfriend

"Mama stop crying they not even worth it to cry over" I said lifting her up of the bed

"You don't get it kian they always do this" she said drying her tears

" I probably don't get it but you shouldn't let them get to you" I said raising her chin

" what do you care u barley talk to me anyways" she said moving my hand

" kaliah is what are u talking about , you we always talk" I said she knew I serious because I said her real name

"We don't & everytime me and Zoe ask you to go somewhere with us you are always with Barbie or have an excuse not to go" she said looking straight at me

" kaliah is this about Barbie" I said looking straight in her eyes

" Idk you know what it don't even matter" she said tryna walk out the room , but I grab her arm and pull her between my legs while I sat on the bed

" liah talk to me" i said softly

"Ok , everybody known I have been Liking you for years and I don't think you notice it it's just the way you look at me , talk to me , even care for me no boy has ever did that before" she said holding her head down

" liah -" I was talking before she cut me off

"You know what forgot I even said anything" she said walking out

It's not that I don't like laid back it's just I been liking her to , and thought getting a girlfriend will make me get over it but turns out I was wrong I really love liah and if that means breaking up with Barbie so be it

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