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Kaliah POV
I just got home from school finally no more waking up at 5 in the morning or taking cam to school speaking of him here he go

"Hey big sis" Cameron said hugging me

" hey cam where mama" I asked placing my bag on the couch

"Oh you know on the phone with Janelle as always" he said rolling his eyes .

Janelle and my mom were friends back in high school and college my mom said they hooked up from time to time ( Janelle is intersex) until she got into a relationship with our dad then after cam was 5 they broke up and my dad moved on to a women who already had 3 kids but that's for another story so my mom and Janelle have been talking or flirting as I should say since Cameron was eight now he is 12 , Janelle asked my mom to be her girlfriend last year and ofc my mom said yes and she's been making my mom really really happy now that you are all caught up back to the story .

"Hey ma" I said walking into her room

"Hey baby how was you last day of school" she asked setting her phone up

"Tell my baby I said hey" janelle yelled on the other side of the phone

"Hey ms Janelle and it was good mama but ima let you get back to your convo" I said walking to the door

"Ok love you baby" she laying down

"Love you to ma" I walked to my room and changed my clothes and layed down as soon as my head hit the pillow the gc was called

World vs us 💜
"Bruh what do y'all want we literally just saw each other" I said annoyed sleepy

" first off I didn't even call it was ya ugly best friend" Zoe said doing her make up

"And uh ma'am where do u think your going" I said wide awake now

"Oh nothing king taking me on a date" she smiling her ass off

" mmchtt must be nice but finish getting ready and call me let me know the teaa but frl have fun love you" I said looking in the camera

"Love you more and ok" she said hanging up but I just noticed ky wasn't even in the call welp never mind  he calling me

My Bodyguard 💗
"Hey bestie" he said smiling looking at me

"Hey boy what you doing" I said looking at him

"Oh nun playing the game you know 2k" he said looking at the tv

"Well u would call me and I'm about to take a nap" I said sleepy

"Gone head doota" he said laughing a little

"Boy I know u did not" I said embarrassed

"And I did but frl go to sleep ima be right here" he said looking the camera

"Ok" I said closing my eyes

"I love you liah" ky said

" I love you to ky" and with that I went to sleep

As y'all realize me and ky are very close we've been close since we were babies we would go to the same school , be in the same classes , then we got in middle and met Zoe we were the trio of trios , and I also had a crush on ky up until this last year I never expressed them because i always thought it would ruin our friendship , but then Zoe found out and she said she wasn't going to tell him if I wasn't comfortable but then he got a girlfriend all we all know who that is , ever since then I just pushed my feelings for him to the side cause at the end of the day he's just my best friend .

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