The perfect revenge FAIL I

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When Emma sprinted out of the museum, the alarm boomed at full volume, with a red, radiant flash.
"URGH, my ears!" Emma screeched trying to sound louder than the alarm itself.
Soon Emma arrived to Sarah's house (it was 5AM at the time). Right then she realised she was quite tired, so she had to go home. Once she sprinted home she thought she'd fake being sick to get out of  another horrible day, but her mum noticed she was upset the day before. When her mum walked in she said.
"Darling you  can stay home since I know you had a horrid day yesterday, tomorrow's the school play." Mrs Bueno kindly mentioned.
By then Emma was fast asleep from staying up all night to try conquer her plan, but the sceptre was under her bed not glowing luminously because of the covers over it.

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