Chapter 7

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*Paul's POV*

My watch woke me up around three in the morning. I looked over to see Anna next laying on the floor next to me. She seemed peaceful while sleeping. I stood up and stretched my sore back from sleeping on the floor. I scooped Anna up and put her on my bed. I slipped the covers over her tucked them around her. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and poured some milk into it. I usually drank milk if I couldn't fall asleep at night.

As I laid on my back on the sofa, I stared at the ceiling. I wondered what in the kitchen that angered John so much and upset Anna. I guess I would never find out. I finally fell asleep when I saw the sun peaking from over the horizon.


I woke up to a cartoon playing on the telly. The little squirrel was running down the path when he fell down a trap from the bear. I looked over to one of the chairs and saw Anna curled up and was covered with a fluffy blanket from my room. As I propped myself up with an elbow, Anna looked over at me and grinned. Her smile lite up her face.

"Good Morning, Paul." She chirped. She sipped at the mug she caressed in her hands.

"'Morning, love." I stretched out on the sofa, letting a small groan escape my lips. I felt exhausted. "Did'ya sleep okay?"

She nodded. "Mhmm. Did you?"

"I've slept better," I replied with a laugh. She got up and turned the telly off.

"Do you want some breakfast?" She asked. I placed a hand on my middle.

"Yes, please." She walked into the kitchen and began to make some eggs. I heaved myself off the sofa, and followed her.

"Do you want some tea too?" I nodded.

"Anna," I pushed on before she answered. "Ya said your birthday was comin' up, right?"

"Yes." She replied slowly.

"Was there anythin' special ya wanted to do?" She shrugged.

"Not really. Just wanted to stay home I guess." She returned her attention to the stove.


"Paul, can I just stay home this time?" I stepped back into the apartment.

"Why Love?" She tucked a lock of her blonde hair behind her hair.

"Because why hide me in the studio's bathroom so Brian won't see me if I can just stay at home." I considered her point for a minute.

"'Course you can stay home. I'm not goin' to the studio today anyway. John's still sick. I got the call after breakfast."

"Okay. Where are you going today then?"

"I 'ave to pick up some groceries. We're runnin' low on food."

"Okay. I'll see you later then." She replied.

*Anna's POV*

Since Paul's house was always so immaculate and clean, there wasn't really anything for me to do. Instead, I settled myself in Paul's room on his bed and read To Kill a Mockingbird. I hadn't realized how much time had passed until I looked at Paul's watch on the bedside table. It was 12:30. Paul had been gone for three hours. I wondered how much food we...

Knock, knock, knock!

A series of rapid knocks sounded at the door. I sat up on the bed thinking it was Paul needing help bringing the groceries in when I heard the door open. Someone walked in.

"Paul? Are ya 'ome?" It was Brian, The Beatles manager. I felt my heart pound against my chest. Brian couldn't know I was here. I walked quietly across the floor and stood in front of the door, hand hovering above the knob. Brian was walking below Paul's bedroom in the living room. I opened the door slowly and tip toed across the hall to the bathroom. I shut the door with a silent snap and locked it. I turned off the light and crawled into the bath tub. Brian would never think to look in here. I heard Brian rush by the bathroom and walk into Paul's room. I was glad I thought of bringing the book with me.

"Paul? Where are ya?" Brian slowly approached the closed bathroom door. I held my breathed and sat perfectly still. The front door opened just in time and Paul called out my name.

"Anna?" I heard Brian run down the stairs to greet Paul.

"There ya are, Paul. I've been lookin' all over Liverpool for ya! Who's Anna?"

"Oh, just a song I've been workin' on." Paul fibbed. "Why were ya lookin' for me?"

"Right. I need ya an' the lads to be at the studio bright an' early for an interview tomorrow. Don't be late!" With that Brian left and was drove away. I let my breath out, long and shaky.

"Anna!" Paul cried out. I heard him scrambling around downstairs, looking for me. I stumbled out of the tub and landed on the white tiled floor. Paul came up the stairs and started jiggling the door knob.

"Anna? Anna? Are ya alright, are ya hurt? Did he see ya?" I stood up and unlocked the door. Paul pushed opened the door slowly and stared at me. I could feel the hall light shining on my face as I started giggling nervously, letting all of the anxiety bubble out of my stomach. I let Paul take my hand and lead me into the living room.

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