Pt. 1

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A/N: Basically Wanda and Nat are training together. Alone. And both of them have a crush on eachother. I hope yk where this is going.

Nat's POV:
I ducked down to dodge Wanda's right hook that almost landed on my face and tried to tackle her at the waist but she moved and I landed on the mat. I jumped back onto my feet and grabbed her left foot just before it hit my waist and basically threw it at the mat. She stumbled a little, so I found it as the perfect opportunity to swing at her, but she grabbed my fist and swung at my face and this time I couldn't dodge it.

Wanda's POV:
I swung at Nat a little harder than I wanted to, it was just training after all, but to my own surprise, it actually hit her face. She slightly raised her hand to indicate to me to stop and grabbed her face. I realized that I made her lip bleed.

Third person POV:
"SHIT. I'm so sorry Nat" said Wanda with a hint of sorry in her voice taking a step towards the redhead to inspect the cut she caused. "No you're fine Maximoff" Nat said wiping the small bit of blood off her face with her thumb. "Nono it's my fault I shouldn't have punched you that hard I'm so sorry I feel so bad. I should go get a med kit" rambled the younger girl "Do you know where the nearest med kit is by the way?" "Maximoff it's not that serious don't worry" Nat said patting Wanda's back and taking a step towards the door. "No seriously let me" Wanda said now grabbing the redhead's wrist and practically dragging her towards the exit of the room. "Plus there's a med kit in my room upstairs let me just take you there and clean you up there." "Ok" sighed the slightly older woman knowing she didn't have a choice now.

Wanda took Nat all the way to the elevator while holding on to her wrist. Once they stepped in noticed how long she'd been holding her. "You know you can let go of my wrist now" Nat said with a smirk and a hint of playfulness in her voice. "Oh sorry" said the brunette releasing her grip, now turning a light shade of pink.

The next few seconds of the elevator ride were silent until the girls heard a ding above them, indicating the ride was over. "C'mon" Wanda said grabbing the older womans wrist again and taking her to her room. "You know I know where your room is right Wanda?" "Yeah". Once they ended up infront of her room Wanda let go of Natasha's wrist to open the door, then grabbing her wrist again.

"Wanda you're gonna end up bruising my wrist if you keep this up y'know". "Oh sorry I didn't realize this time" she said with a slight chuckle, letting go of her and indicating towards the edge of the bed to tell her to sit.

Wanda went towards the corner of her room to look for the medical kit to tend to Nat's small cut, which was already starting to scab. "Now where did I put this- Oh I found it!" Wanda turned around with the small med kit in her hands and a sligh smile on her face. Nat chuckled at the younger girls "childness".

Wanda now kneeled infront of Nat with the medical kit open in her hands. She shuffled the things around in it looking for an alchohol wipe and a bandaid. "Ok I'm sorry this might sting a little" she said with both things in her hands. "Ok" Nat said looking slightly down at the girl infront of her who was now ripping open the alchohol pad packaging.

Wanda put her left hand on Nat's jaw to keep her face in one spot, and used the other hand to wipe the small cut, not realizing that the older womans face was merely a few inches away from her own. Once she put the alchohol pad back down, she looked back at Nat, who was now blushing slightly, and realized that their faces were just a few inches apart now. The younger woman glanced back at Nat's lip, hand still on her jaw, but not realizing that they were still only a few inches away from eachother.

Wanda now stood up, dropping her hand, realizing the position she was in. "Oh- um- I- um... sorry" Nat just smirked. "I mean there's nothing to be sorry for, but ok" she said now also standing up glancing at the younger woman's lips before making eye contact again. At this point there was so much tension you could slice it in half. Wanda was now EXTREMELY flustered. "Oh.. umm.. ok?" She said with a confused look.

Wanda's POV:
Oh my gosh does she like me? No there's no way. Natasha Romanoff like ME?. Well I mean she did just look at my lips. Twice. DOES SHE WANT TO KISS ME?!

Third person POV:
Now that both girls were standing up, they were basically chest to chest. After being lost in her thoughts for a second, she decided to just go for it. She leaned towards Nat's face in the slightest, and Nat also moved forward a little. Then their lips met. Wanda closed her eyes to enjoy the moment and Nat did so herself too.

They broke apart after a few seconds. "Omigosh I umm- sorry I didnt mean to. well I kinda did but um-" she cut herself off when she saw that the shorter woman was looking back up at her with an amused smirk. At this point she gave up on rambling. "You're um really good at kissing" Wanda said without even thinking before talking. Shit. She thought to herself. Before she could say another word Nat said "Not so bad yourself Maximoff" with a smirk, and left the room.

What the hell just happened?

Honestly for my first oneshot I disliked it but whatever.

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