"I thought you said you weren't going to lecture me about it." Liam grumbled and Sam sighed.

"Okay you know what, time for bed. It is time for bed for both of us. We'll talk about how you have to apologize tomorrow once I get off of work." Sam said standing up. Liam didn't say anything but stood up as well. Sam opened up the front door and let Liam walk ahead of him. Liam immediately turned to go up the stairs, ignoring the dog following behind him. "At least let Dude sleep with you tonight!" Sam called after him.

"Why!" Liam called back as he made his way to his room upstairs.

"Because he likes to cuddle and you shut him out earlier!" Sam called as he himself walked to the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's hard to sneak out when a giant dog is cuddling by your side!" Liam yelled, and for a second Sam smiled.

"Yeah no more sneaking out! I'm getting a lock for your window!" Sam yelled back. He didn't get a response but heard the door upstairs close, then heard a dog whining. "Let him in!" He yelled and a moment later he heard the door open and close again. Sam smiled again and looked at the tea kettle on the stove.

Deciding to make a cup of tea before bed he turned it on, pulling his phone back out of his pocket to text Puffy back.

Talked to Liam about this evening, he isn't happy but I think he understands a bit better.

And he pocketed the phone for the second time this evening. After his cup of tea was finished Sam grabbed his book and sat in a chair of the living room, reading until he felt tired. Once he finished the tea he put the mug in the sink and began to make his way up the stairs as well.

Outside of Liam's room he stopped, deciding he was going to check on the boy. He opened up the door and peered into the room as quietly as he could.

Liam was asleep, Dude the dog asleep as well next to him. Sam glanced over to the window and saw it completely closed. He also noticed that Liam had left his shoes downstairs, so it was unlikely that he would try to run away again tonight.

Before he closed the door however he glanced at Liam's dresser and saw on the top of it a single photograph. He didn't know where it came from, or when Liam put it up but he was able to recognize very clearly Liam was one of two people in the photo. He couldn't quite tell who Liam's arm was wrapped around in the photo, but the other boy looked slightly familiar.

Something about the blue eyes made Sam think he had seen them before.


"Here, you need to drink more water." Ranboo said, giving Tubbo a cup. Tubbo rolled his eyes but took the cup anyway. "How's your hangover?" He asked as he sat down on Tubbo's bed carefully as to not sit on Tubbo. Tubbo had just taken a nap after therapy and was just now waking up.

"Fine Ranboo, I'm fine." Tubbo said and Ranboo nodded. Tubbo put the cup down on the nightstand, glancing at the medicine bottles there.

"If you say so." Ranboo said as he began to stand up, but Tubbo caught his sleeve. "Tubbo?"

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Tubbo said carefully, and Ranboo began to feel his heart race in his head. "It's nothing bad." He reassured quickly.

"Okay? What's up?" Ranboo asked as he sat back down. Tubbo took a deep breath.

"I talked with mom and dad, and then a bit with Dr. Simon today before we left. It's all kind of agreed that I need to spend some time in the mental ward." Tubbo said, and Ranboo no longer felt his heart beat in his head. Instead he felt his heart drop to his stomach.

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