003. sink or swim

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"CYBERBULLYING IS NO LAUGHING MATTER." Counselor announced at lunch one day. "Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face."

Vada sat with Ramona, Miguel, Eli, and Demetri at their usual table. She tapped her fingers lightly on the table, listening to drag on. Vada was all for no bullying. 100%. She got bullied and her friends did, too, and it sucked, but what the hell did Counselor Blatt know about it? Apparently nothing, because a quick pep talk isn't going to suddenly stop people from bullying others. It was bullshit.

She continued, "I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."

Vada's head snapped up to look at Blatt, wishing she would look over at her and see her glare. It was so obvious she was talking about Eli. Wow, did this woman not having any kind of social awareness? She was a counselor. She should've known better than to say that in front of everyone when everyone knew who she was talking about.

Vada caught Eli's eye and tried to send him a quick smile before he dropped his sight down, so he wouldn't see everyone staring at him and whispering and laughing. It made her heart ache, even though she just met him. He didn't deserve this.

Counselor Blatt continued, "But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students."

Miguel leaned over to Eli and lowered his voice. "You know, if you're sick of getting bullied, mine and Vada's karate dojo is looking for recruits."

"Yeah." Vada nodded with a grin. "You should totally do it."

When Eli saw Vada's smile, he automatically smiled, too, without even meaning to. If Vada wanted him to join, he would and he was about to say he would do it when Demetri interrupted.

"Yeah, right, you hear that, Eli?" He chuckled, sarcastically. "A little karate training and you're gonna kick some major ass."

Vada rolled her eyes as Miguel said. "I'm serious, Demetri, all right? Our sensei's the real deal, and l'm sure Vada and I could get you all discounts. You too, Ramona."

Vada nodded her head, agreeing and turned to Ramona and then back at Miguel. "I've tried to get this one to join, but she refuses."

"I don't wanna get my ass kicked." She defended. "This face would not look hot with a black eye."

Demetri gestured to Ramona. "See, exactly. Thank you."

Ramona whipped her head toward the boy across from her. "You don't think I'd look hot with a black eye?"

Demetri's eyes widened. "No... no, psh, no. That's not what I meant. You'd look really hot, I mean-"

TOUGH ACT¹, eli moskowitzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora