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Just remember that english is not my first language, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes in the fic.


As Frank drove, Jake watched the little bunny resting on his lap. After weeks of prodding from the smaller man, Frank accepted the offer of a pet.

They had chosen a bunny by Jake's decision. The young man clarified that the interest was due to the old bunny mask that used to identify Frank. The taller one no longer worked for any secret company. It was all in the past after falling in love with the extroverted and intelligent leader of the Subway Surfers.

The beginning of the relationship between the two was not easy, they had to overcome several setbacks to get to where they were at that moment.

Fortunately, they were both living together, happy and ready to continue to overcome any adversity the world might throw at them.

"Now that I remember, we never decided what to name him, Jake spoke as he gently stroked the bunny's fur.

Frank made a slight grimace, keeping his eyes on the highway.

"Right, what name do you suggest?"

Jake made a little sound with his mouth. His face was thoughtful. He had several names in mind, but none of them were too convincing for the bunny to wear proudly.

"I'm not sure. This little guy deserves a name that's unique to him," he commented and then noticed how the bunny settled better in his lap.

"Well," Frank spoke again. "It's a white bunny, the most common names for that kind of rabbit are Snowflake or Snowball".

"None of them sound right for our son's name".

Frank's body tensed as he blushed. He was thankful he was driving so he could keep his eyes on the highway and not have them on his lover. Jake would be able to take advantage of that.

"Our son?" he hesitated, looking for a brief second at the youngest.

"Duh, a bunny is almost similar to a baby, it needs special care, as well as constant vigilance so that it doesn't get hurt and since it's going to live with us, then that makes it our child".

"If you say so".

Jake looked at Frank. The older boy was flustered by the comment. Jake let out a chuckle and then returned his gaze to the little rabbit.

Back on topic, what do you think of Bonnie?" Jake suggested. "I know it's not that original a name, but it's not that common either".

"I don't think he likes that name," with a brief glance, Frank visualized the bunny.

The little animal had finally gotten up. He stretched his whole body across Jake's lap. With his little paws he wiped part of his face and looked at his new family.

"Tell me, little guy, do you like the name Bonnie?"

The little animal cocked its head to one side as it watched Jake. Then he wrinkled his pink nose in disgust.

"See, I told you she wouldn't like it," Frank gave an amused laugh. One of the few he used to show in his day to day life.

Jake grumbled. He looked at his mate with an arched eyebrow and then turned his gaze to the bunny. The bunny was also looking a bit annoyed. Jake looked confused by that reaction.

"Uhm... How about Fluffy?"

"Why don't you try giving it a name in another language?" Frank suggested, stopping the car when the red light came on.

The proposal was not a bad idea for Jake, and he immediately set his mind to remembering some words in his native language. Even if it was very basic, he was grateful to be a bit bilingual, sharing English and Danish.

"I know! -Jake jumped a little on the seat, catching Frank's and the bunny's attention. "Sorry... I have two names, Kanin or Snebold".

Frank looked hesitant; the bunny tilted his head slightly to the right looking curiously at Jake.

"I like Snebold," the man in the suit commented with a soft smile.

The brown eyes turned glossy, at that, the little animal stretched its body standing on two legs, leaning on Jake's chest with its front paws while wrinkling its nose still looking at the youngest of the boys.

"What do you think... Snebold?" Jake smiled warmly and then lovingly stroked the bunny's soft fur.

The wagging of the fluffy tail let the couple know that the rabbit agreed with that name.

"I think he likes it too," Frank laughed again. Now he would share his good times with someone else.

For the rest of the trip, Jake was talking to his new friend/son, Frank found the gentle tone his mate used with the bunny adorable, too much simulating a loving mother to her child.

For a few minutes he remembered his childhood, remembered his close-knit family and the happiness they brought him. Despite the years, he still couldn't accept how it all happened in a second. He thought he would never smile in a sincere way again.

Until Jacob Bressler came into his life and created a strange, but at the same time wonderful chaos that made him find a second chance.

Upon arriving at his new home, much like Jake, the bunny quickly gained confidence, taking over much of the household. As the days went by, Jake liked to spoil him for anything, while Frank did it when the little animal didn't cause any damage.

It really did look like they were both caring for a human baby.

"We should have another one".

Frank almost choked on the water he was drinking. His lover's comment was unexpected.

"Excuse me?" he questioned, setting the glass down on the small table in the living room.

Another bunny," Jake clarified. His head moved to watch Snebold play with a rubber ball. "Snebold needs a companion, during the week he spends time alone while we're gone".

Jake was right on that point, however, Frank felt it was too soon to have another rabbit, it had only been five months since Snebold came into their lives.

"I think it's too soon for him to have a partner".

"Believe me... It's not".

"How can you be sure?"

The younger boy's cheeks filled with blushes. He didn't like to talk too much about it, no matter who it was about. Frank frowned in confusion.

"His time has come".

The taller man still didn't understand.

"He is... well, in every natural epoch that an animal of his species has".

Jake puffed out his red cheeks at the sight of his mate's serious face.

"Little boy, I'm trying to understand you, but..."

Bressler interrupted him with a frustrated shriek.

"Augh! Snebold is in mating season".

And that was answer enough to make Frank understand.

"And how did you...? "

"Please don't ask me".

Jake's face reflected absolute embarrassment. Yes. It was better not to ask.

Frank sighed in response. He knew that at some point it was going to happen to his "son". But at least he hoped it wouldn't be as soon as he imagined.

He got up from the couch, keeping his eyes on Snebold. Now the bunny was moving restlessly all over the area.

He closed his eyes sighing again to finally fix his gaze on Jake.



"I just hope you don't pamper the next bunnies too much".

A nervous yet amused laugh was let out by the shorter one.

"I don't promise anything".

Bunny (AU) | Frank x JakeWhere stories live. Discover now