Part 9

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Harry's POV

I immediately text Louis.

Hazza: People know

Boobear: Know what?


Boobear: Wdym? They don't know about us, babe

Hazza: When will you be here

Boobear: I just pulled in

Hazza: I'm in my room, just come in

About five minutes later, Louis comes into my room. "Babe, what are you talking about?" I show him the messages Zayn sent me. "Fucking hell." Lou runs his fingers through his hair. "Now that people know... why don't we come out together?"

"You would do that?"

"Of course. I didn't want people to know before, but only because I was scared, but now that people already know... why not?" He sits next to me on my bed and takes my hand. 

"I'm scared," I whisper, looking at the floor.

He uses his index finger to turn my chin to him. "Harry... I love you." He gives me a small smile.

"I love you, too." I know we've said it so many times, but every time it feels more special. I kiss him softly. He grabs my cheeks to deepen the kiss, stopping to take a breath.

"I love you so much, that I'm willing to tell the world if it means I get to keep you." He goes back in. His words bring tears to my eyes. I thought that, after me and Lottie broke up, he would hate me. I guess I was wrong. I smile against his thin lips. 

I bring my forehead to his. "Thank you," I whisper, just loud enough that he can hear. He kisses my cheek. 

"You're welcome," he whispers back, giggling softly. 

Louis' POV

A few weeks have gone by since the picture surfaced. Harry and I have been coming up with a plan to come out with the help of our band-mates. It's nice to call them that now that Haz is an official member of our little band. 

Niall makes a scene in the cafeteria by throwing his tray on the floor yelling, "I BELONG TO ONE DIRECTION" (that's our band name, Harry came up with it) and running away. After that, Liam and Zayn walk in holding hands yelling, "I love him," and pointing to one another. After this, Haz and I follow suit. We sit at our usual table and watch the chaos ensue. Most people are clapping while some are confused. Some people have been stumped since Niall's part. 

I don't let go of Harry's hand for the rest of the day, as we have the rest of our classes together. Harry hobbles around in the boot for his leg while I carry all of his stuff.  

When the school day ends, Harry and I kiss in the parking lot. Due to it being Friday, Lottie's going to spend the night at her friend's house so I'm driving Harry home. 

After dropping him off, I head to my own home. It's been rough at my house lately. After my mum passed, Felicite has been different. She's had dark circles under her eyes, like she hasn't been sleeping. She's stopped dictating my fashion choices, making clothes in her room, and eating with the rest of the family. We've all been taking it hard, but Felicite is different. Lottie suspects she's doing drugs. Little Fizzy wouldn't be doing drugs. No way. She's always been the most head-straight person in our family. We all love and appreciate her for that. 

Lately, Fiz hasn't been hanging out with the best people. We've been worried for her safety. Her new "friends" are drug addicts or dealers. As her brother, I don't like her being around them. As her father, Mark should like it either. I don't blame Mark for not being as present, his wife just died. But she was my mum. I need time for grieving, too. 

Felicite walks into the room, circles darker than ever. "Fiz, what's going on with you?" 

"What are you talking about?"

"You've been... weird." 

Tears start forming in her eyes. "My mother just died, Louis. How am I supposed to act?"

"Fiz, my mum just died, too. I am trying to take care of my fucking family. How am I supposed to do that when everyone around me is treating my like shit for caring?" I give her a pointed look as tears form in my eyes as well. "I miss mum just as much as you do. I need to make sure that you're okay before I can even think about grieving like I should."

Fizzy breaks down in sobs. I hug her tightly. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, Fiz. I just... Lottie thinks you're doing drugs." She stops abruptly.

"W-why would y-you think th-th-that?" She stutters. 

"Felicite? Is it true?" She goes pale. 

"No," she says, going up to her room. 

Shit. Felicite just lied to me. 

I'm sick so I actually have time to write this piece of shit story. If you have any suggestions on how to make it any better, let me know. I love to read your suggestions and ideas. Stay green my little freaks.


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