Part 4

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"He's gay?" I whisper. 

"And... he's got a crush on a guy. A guy I know really well," she scoffs. 


"I can't tell you. It wouldn't be fair to him."

"You're defending that asshole after he broke your heart?"

"It was my choice to break up. I'm not mad at him. I don't blame him. It's not his fault. He's my best friend, and always will be."

I hug her. 

"God, you need a shower, you fucking stink," she says.

I laugh and follow her advice. When I'm done, I go outside and sit on the porch swing with a book. 

"Is she okay?" A small, rumbly voice says. It makes me jump.

"Harry? What the fuck are you doing in my bushes?"

"I just want to know if she's okay... and if she told you."

"She told me you guys broke up because you're gay, but she didn't want to talk about it. She'll be fine, she just needs time."

Harry nods, coming to sit on the swing with me. "I'm sorry. If you don't want me to play with your band anymore, I completely understand."

"Because you're gay or because my sister broke up with you?"

"Either," he says, looking down at his hands. 

"Harry, look, my sister said you guys are still friends, and none of us could give two fucks about your sexuality." I touch his arm without thinking, but pull it away quickly. My heart speeds up. 

"Thank you, Louis," he says, nudging me with his elbow. He gets up and walks to his car. "Tell Lots I'm sorry."

"Will do."

I go back upstairs to my room, laying on the bed. Something is up with me. I think I'm having feelings for Harry.

Hey, sorry this is a short chapter, I've got school and other shit so I won't be very organized with releasing new chapters. It'll be all over the place. Let me know what you think so far and if I should continue!


For Your Eyes Only (larry stylinson)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt