38| unexpected truths

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me, I will come in five." He walked out.

We both exchanged looks before looking at aunty, who stood there not speaking a word.

"Aunty why have you hidden such a big thing from everyone? Especially Adi and Aaru? You could have told them, why did you do this aunty?"

"What else did you want me do? Earlier the doctor I met, told me that there are less chances of me surviving through this cancer, but then I changed my doctor, and he said the same but also mentioned that we can try our best, through chemo sessions, can't guarantee but life is given by the one above us all, we all can just try our best."

"So what aunty? We could have started your sessions as soon as the doctor said!" Aryan told her.

"How would I let anything of mine affect my children's big days? I don't even know if I will survive in these upcoming months, which is why I asked you all to get them married soon, that was the only reason."

"Aunty stay positive, we should never conclude to things without trying. So first you are going back and telling Adi about this, then we will start the sessions from this week itself. Even while Adi is not here, I am there right? I will take you for the sessions and we will do it." Aryan told.

"No but..."

"No ifs and buts aunty! This is the right thing to do."

"But we will not postpone the wedding please? Just do this one favor for me, I don't know if I will be there..."

"Aunty, nothing is going to happen, you are going to be fine, you have to be there for all of us." I held her hand assuring her.

"But please do this one thing for me."

"We will try, decision is on Adi and Aaru, so first tell every thing to them, I am sure they are going to understand and will agree too." She hesitantly nodded her head, and Aryan drove us to her home.

"Aryan Mayra? With mama? All good?" Adi looked at us as we all entered together.

"Aditya we need to talk about something really important, but for that you need to listen patiently." Aryan spoke.

Kirti aunty told him everything since the beginning. It was very difficult for him to take it in, to process everything that was happening.

"Itni badi baat kitni asaani se chupaa diya mama aapne!" He turned away as a lone tear escaped his eye, which he wiped with his thumb, looking back at us.

"How could I tell Adi? I didn't want any problems for you because of me."

"Mama you know I only have you, I can't afford to lose you, how was it so easy for you to think that you will get us married in two months just because you are unsure of survi-" He paused before his eyes started tearing up.

"Why don't you understand mama! I just have you in my life, who else..."

"No! You have Aaru, which is why I want to see you both together..."

"Aditya, we are going to start her sessions in this week, let's just pray for the best, she is going to be fine." Aryan assured him.

"If this is the case, then I am not getting married until you are fine!" He announced.

"No! You saw Mayra? You saw why I didn't want to involve him in this! You can't always listen to your heart, you have to listen to your mind and be practical at times!"

"Why are you giving that time for yourself mama!"

"Because I don't even know if I will survive through these sessions or what!"

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