mia pov chapter 17

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As I walked to my house has death awaited me I saw my mother run and hug me in tears waa mom yes Mia why are you crying I thought I'd lost you or you ran away why would I do that cause I got a call from your school that you put a kid in the hospital oh yes said Mia I'm sorry for the all the trouble I caused you said Mia your fine said her mother but the school did suspended you and I am going to need you to go in your room and stay their alright said Mia falls on her bed Dang it he was right she wasn't mad maybe I should relaxing time to read mia crawled little Millianna oh hey their up up picks her up what are you doing here sleeps in her arms really walks to Millianna crib places her inside how cute wow I'm tired falls into the bed pulls the covers over herself

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