"Oh I saw that the other day when I was out with Evan. It's a beautiful house." I said before he put his hand on my jeep. Leaning into it and smiling at me. Nothing like disarming a woman with a smile.

"So where you from?" He asked looking me up and down.

"A few towns over." I told him with a smile.

"Ooo secretive." He said with a chuckle.

"I don't know you. I'm not going to willing give you where I live." I laughed a little.

"I'm not some murderer out to get you." He said leaning further into my car and inching a bit closer to me.

"That's exactly what a murderer would say." I said and he laughed.

"Are you leaving already?" He asked as he looked through my window.

"Yes, I have to get back for work later tonight." I nodded and took a step back.

"What do you do?" He asked noting my movement.

"I'm an ER nurse." His brow lifted.

"Really, that's a rough job." I shrugged and then stupidly spoke my next words.

"Some of us like it rough." As they left my mouth I wished I could have taken them back. I didn't want it to sound sexual. He chuckled and gave me another heartbreaking smile.

"Noted." I drug my hand over my face.

"I so did not mean that the way it came out. Oh my hell, I'm so embarrassed." Shaking my head at myself.

"It's alright. I knew what you were going for." He laughed again and looked behind me. "Hey Evan."

"Chace what are you doing around here? Flirting with my adopted grand daughter?" Chace's face turned red at Evan's words. I turned and saw Jason angrily walking out to the car.

"Just introducing myself." Chace said and Dottie came running over to me. She barked at Chace which she never does. That's weird.

"Dottie stop." I said and stepped forward to move him back. He took a few steps backward as I opened the door for her. Jumping in and barking again. "Dottie enough." I shut the door.

"I don't know what's got into her." I said before Jason rounded the car.

"I do." Saying it low enough Chace didn't say anything. "Jason." He said putting his hand out to shake. Chace looked between me and Jason then shook his hand.

"Chace. Nice to meet you." He then backed up a bit and looked back to Evan. "It was good to see you Evan. Let me know if you need anything." He said with a wave. "Great to meet you. Wait sorry I didn't get your name?" Taking a step back towards me. I could feel Jason tense up next to me.

"It's Jennie." Shaking his hand and he gave me a wink.

"See you later. You too man." He gave a Jason a salute and then jogged off.

"Your little boyfriend is a slime ball." Jason muttered as he turned back around.

"He's not my boyfriend. We were just talking." I defended which I don't have to do.

"You may have been talking. He was flirting." He said before heading up the stairs.

"What's wrong with that?" He stopped looking back at me. His eyes were on fire.

"Because it's Chace Myers. Steer clear of him." Evan jumped in. I rolled my eyes at the both of him.

"Finally someone talking some sense." Jason said before hugging Evan. "It was great to meet you. I've got your number and you have mine. Call me anytime." Jason said with a smile.

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