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The rest of the weekend went pretty well. We got things to celebrate new years eve with my brothers kids. Since Sherry didn't want them at her mothers again. I texted Jason last night because I hadn't heard from him. Asking how things were. He just responded with quick answers and wasn't as flirty as he usually was. It was weird.

I just figured he might have been busy or even tired. Or maybe he freaked out after saying he loved you on the phone Jennie. This kind of crap is the reason why I don't do relationships. It's emotionally exhausting running through this in your mind over and over again.

Having to sleep back and forth between my house, my parents house, and Jason's house has gotten old. I can't wait till I can just have a few straight days of being at my house. Packing a bag and bringing a bunch of crap too. Luckily my parents had everything for Dottie at their house. But, ugh now I'm in a grumpy ass mood. My sister even asked earlier if something was bothering me.

Yes, everything is bothering me right now. I'm tired of the constant bullshit right now. There just keeps being one more thing around the corner. I usually really love Christmas. But this one has been an absolute shit fest.

"Are you alright sweetheart? You've had a sour face on since you got here." My dad asked and I sighed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry dad. Everything I think is just catching up to me now. I'll try to get over it." I told him and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Well, feel the feeling out. Then let it go. Don't hold onto the for to long." He kissed my cheek and I nodded . "Also worry causes wrinkles. You don't want to end up looking like me do you?" I laughed a little.

"You hardly have any wrinkles dad." I told him and he grinned.

"That's right, it's your mom that's got me beat." He chuckled and then coward when my mom spoke up.

"I heard that!" She yelled from the kitchen. I laughed at him as he hurried into the kitchen to fix the damage.

"Aunt Jennie!" Sam yelled as he wrapped his arms around my legs.

"What is it bud?" I said before rubbing my hand through his hair.

"Riley said I couldn't give you a kiss this year for new years eve. Because you have a boyfriend now and I can't do that anymore." I chuckled and bent down to him.

"Boyfriend or no Sam. I never want you to stop giving me my New Year's smooch on the cheek." I told him as a grin spread across his face. I'd hate the day when he thought it wasn't cute anymore to kiss me on the cheek on New Year's Eve.

"I told you!" Sam yelled as he ran back into the tv room where they had the New Year's Eve special on. I helped my mom get all the kids fed and set up in the living room in case they fell asleep before the ball dropped. My parents and I played scrabble as the kids watched the performances on the tv. It wasn't much of a party but, it was something that I was completely fine with. No muss and no fuss.

"So when do we get to meet this guy?" My mom asked as she set out her word onto the board.

"Mom, everything just started. I would like to know how things are before I just bring him here to meet you both." Writing down her score on the sheet and then meeting her gaze. "This could be a fling for all I know. So let's just slow it down a bit."

"I know, I know. It's just so exciting to see you so happy. If you're already this happy. Think what the future could bring." She said as I tried searching the board for my word.

"Mom, I'm trying to live in the moment right now. The future isn't something I'm completely focused on." I said before putting down a triple word score with a grin. "Victory is mine."

"Damn it." My dad said before smacking the table. "Stop with all this nonsense talk with her. You're throwing me off."

"You're throwing yourself off with you horrible spelling skills." My mother smacked my dad and I laughed at the both of them. "Did you hear Derek say that if Lance's breathing keeps getting stronger. They might send him home Friday." My eyes went wide at the news.

"Great, although that's also his first day in." I looked over at the kids to make sure they weren't listening to us. "Court." I whispered.

"Yeah, hopefully it'll be a good day all around." My dad said as he started picking up the tiles from the game.

"Are you giving up already?" I laughed at my dad.

"Yes, you guys are breaking my concentration." I shook my head at him as we went to sit with the kids. Looking at my phone and not seeing a text from Jason made me more upset than I wanted. So I asked how his New Year's Eve was going and then sat watching patiently waiting for his response.

'It's going good. Nothing crazy.' There he went with the short question again. What is going on? I stood up from the couch and headed into the kitchen. Dialing his number. I waited a few rings before a girl answered it.

"Hello." I froze for a moment before I spoke.

"Is Jason there?" I asked and bit my inner cheek. Who was answering his phone. I heard her ask if someone else knew where Jason was and I scrunched my brows together.

"He's in the bathroom right now. Can I help with anything?" The girl said and I could hear music in the background. I started to panic.

"No, it's alright. I thought he was hanging out at home tonight." I said before she chuckled.

"Nope, he's at the New Year's Eve party. I can tell him you called." She said and I sighed.

"Don't worry about it. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Thanks anyways." I told her as I got angrier by the second.

"Are you sure I can-" She started before I hung up. I don't need to listen to the rest of whatever she needed to say. I grabbed my wine glass from earlier and poured the remaining contents from the bottle into it. Swigging it down quickly. That asshole lied to me. He said he was having a little party with his family at him grandpa's. Why the hell did I fall for this.

I headed back into the Livingroom. My bad mood now returning with a vengeance. I sat down next to my nephew who was trying his hardest to stay awake. Setting my phone on the arm of the couch and having him lean into me. My phone started to ring again and I ignored it.

"Are you going to get that?" My dad asked.

"Nope." I popped the p hard on the end and he chose not to asking anymore questions. My phone continued to ring so I shut the damn thing off.

We watched as the ball fell and my nephew was alright out in my lap. I chuckled as I lifted him up and carried him upstairs. Before I laid him down on the bed. He caught my neck and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. I wanted to burst into tears with how sweet that moment was. I laid him down and placed my own kiss on his cheek.

"Goodnight and sweet dreams buddy." I stood up from the bed and left the door opened a crack. Heading downstairs to check on the other kids.

"Can I go to bed now?" Riley asked and my mom nodded to her. "Can Dottie sleep with me tonight?" She asked as I nodded to her.

"That's fine honey." I said and she called Dottie to follow her. Dottie was ready for bed. So she didn't need to be told twice. We told her goodnight and I picked up my phone before grabbing Nikki. "I'll take her up to bed and then turn in myself. I'm tired."

"You sure you're ok?" My dad face covered with worry.

"Yeah. I guess so." I said before heading up the stairs once more and taking Nikki to her bed. Getting her tucked into bed and then shutting the door partially. I left them and headed to my room. Taking my time to get dressed for bed and relax.

Thinks were going to well. I should have seen this coming. Things were way to perfect. He was way to perfect. This amount of good never happens for people. Ugh I hate feeling like this! I plugged my phone in and got into bed.

What am I going to do tomorrow? He's coming home and he knows where I live. So he's going to try to come talk to me. Do I want him coming to talk to me? Should I tell him not to bother coming? Damn you Jason for making me over think this hard and damn you for making feel all of these feelings. I took the pillow under my head and slapped it on top of my face. Please make it stop and let me sleep through the night.

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