3 8 | f e e l i n g s

Mulai dari awal

"Mama, please come out. I brought gifts." I called her.

"Just one minute." She said and brought a tray filled with teacups. She then went back to the kitchen with Maheen and brought out other trays filled with kebabs, samosas and nuggets.

"Aunty please sit. We are fine." Faaris said.

"Don't bother. She won't listen." I said and stood up to help her set the table.

Faaris went to bring the luggage and then handed over all the gifts to everyone. They all opened their gifts and it brought a smile to their faces.

"Oh My God! They look so good." Maheen said as she put on her heels and modeled in front of us.

"Faaris chose these." I said.

"Aw, thank you jeeju." She said and bowed to him dramatically.

Papa put on his coat and smiled proudly when it fit him perfectly. Dado looked too engrossed in checking out the new headsets that she didn't both to give a feedback.

"How did you know I needed these?" Mama said, looking at her crockery.

"You always need crockery no matter how much you have." I said and everyone chuckled in response.

While they gushed about their gifts, I picked up a cup and passed another one to Faaris. I took the first sip of tea and realized how much I missed it. No matter how much I try to replicate Mom's cooking, I couldn't replicate the love and care she put in it.

"Faaris beta, does Noor bother you?" Mama asked him all of sudden.

"Mama!" I exclaimed.

"She does, sometimes." Faaris said and I glared at him. "When she becomes too perfect of a wife for me. It makes me wonder how I can be an equally great husband."

His words made me blush and I mouthed a small thankyou to him.

"Although I just wish she could make such tasty samosas." He added and everyone started laughing while I pouted.


After talking till midnight in the drawing room, everyone finally decided to go back to their rooms. Faaris and I went to my old room to sleep. The room looked the same and I felt pleased at that. We had already taken baths and changed into fresh clothes earlier so we went straight to the bed. Although the flight was really tiring, I was still not sleepy thanks to the adrenaline rush. Faaris looked a little tired and I couldn't blame him. We desi people talk a lot when we have to catch up with someone.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"Just a headache." He said, lying on his back.

"Did you take any painkillers?" I asked.

"Yeah, I took paracetamol." He replied.

"Oh." I said.

I waited for him to get comfortable and sleep but he kept massaging his head and shifting his body. It bothered me to see him in pain so I sighed and shifted towards him.

"Let me." I said and put my hand on his forehead.

"You don't have to." He said.

"I want to." I replied and made slow circles on his forehead. He looked relieved all of sudden and a sigh left his mouth.

"It feels good." He said and I smiled. Watching his face from this close brought back memories of the night two days ago. We had come so close that night and just the thought made my stomach feel funny.

"What are you thinking?" Faaris asked. Our faces were a few inches apart and it made my face warm.

"Nothing. Why?" I asked.

"You are blushing." He said.

"I am not." I lied.

"As you say." He said and I rolled my eyes in disbelief. Ignoring, I kept massaging his forehead while staring into his deep black eyes. He had one of the darkest eyes I have ever seen and there was something so attractive about that.

"Thanks." I said softly, playing with a lock of his hair that was sitting on his forehead.

"For what?" He asked.

"For bringing me here." I said.

"You don't need to thank me. It was my duty as your husband to do what makes you happy." He replied.

I smiled at his response. "Still. Not every husband fulfills this duty." I said.

"I do." And with that, he cupped my cheeks. My hand went from his forehead to his jaw and stayed there. The darkness in the room made the proximity feel much more intimate.

"Still not blushing?" He asked and the warmth deepened,

"No." I lied blatantly.

He chuckled and placed a small kiss on my cheek. The area tingled and the tingles shot straight to my legs.

"Still?" He asked.

"Goodnight Mr. Shah." I said, controlling my smile. "And good luck with the headache."

I could see a playful smile erupting on his lips as I went to my side to sleep. "Goodnight Mrs. Shah. And thanks for the massage."

I did a sarcastic smile and turned my face to the opposite side.

The dynamics between us had started to shift and it scared me a little. The kisses, the closeness, the teasing, could it lead to something more than a platonic relationship between us? Was I ready for this yet? And what was these feelings I had for him? It was different than what I felt for Usama. Was I developing an attachment towards Faaris? Or was it more than that?

All these questions kept me occupied until I heard a soft snore from behind me.


The chapter was a little short today. Sorry for that guys. I'll write a longer chapter next time.

Another Forever Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang