12. Bokuken

53 1 0

Pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Kozume Kenma

Warnings: None

Notes: None

Kuroo: Do you have a crush on anyone? 

Kenma: The only crush I have is my crushing anxiety.

Kuroo: And?

Kenma: And Bokuto.


Kenma: it's cold 

Bokuto: you're always cold

Kenma: come to bed and candle me

Bokuto: ...cuddle? 

Kenma: no, candle. 

Kenma: blow me.

Bokuto: i hate you

Kenma: uh-huh

Bokuto: i'm coming

Kenma: so soon?

Bokuto: i'm going away.

Bokuto: What are you hiding in your jacket?

Kenma: Nothing.

*Kenma's jacket meows*

Kenma: Drugs.

*Kenma, talking about the fake plant*: I can't wait till it starts growing fruit. 

Kuroo: I'm gonna tell him.

Bokuto: Don't you dare.

Kenma: I told Bokuto that his ears turn red when he lies and now I can tell when he's lying.

Akaashi: What? How? 

Kenma: Watch. Bo, do you love me? 

*Bokuto covering his ears with his hands*: No.

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