Start from the beginning

That would have been completely embarrassing.

They entered a small shop whose sign said Flourish and Blotts. In every corner were shelves stocked to the ceiling filled with every kind of books: gold, silver, bronze, leather-bound, ancient, new, and...carnivorous? He spotted some books in a cage that had blinking eyesand had teeth for pages. He was wondering if he should by one and send it to the Stolls when a man came in through some back door.

"Hello, may I help you?" He said.

Nico wandered away as Alecto spoke to the man. Usually he hated having someone accompanying him to anything, in this case, though, he was grateful. Alect o could do the talking and he'd just be wandering around.

He wandered towards the bookshelves at the back of the room under the section of Defense Against the Dark Arts which was pretty ironic. He is the Dark Arts, he wouldn't need anything to defend himself against himself but he walked towards a book with a fading spine. Pulling it out, he glanced at the cover. The cover was pure black with the letters in silver. He tried to decipher it. History of the Dark Arts.

It was old. The cover was burned and torn in places and had pages that were yellowing with age, but it was completely, perfectly readable. He didn't need to open it to find out what its contents were. He could sense strong, dark power inside it like it was filled with the worst things a book could possibly filled with. He scowled at it and was about to put it back on the shelf when someone snatched the book from his hands.

He whipped around to find a boy standing behind him. He was pale (but not as pale as Nico) and probably would be in the same year as him when he attends Pig - sorry, Hogwarts. His face was drawn up into a smug smile as he glanced at the rotting book in his hands.

"Good choice," He drawled, giving Nico a once-over. Then he frowned. "You're not from Hogwarts."

Nico frowned. "What made you think that?"

"You're American." The boy said bluntly.

"No Styx, Sherlock." He muttered, half-hoping the boy heard him swearing.

"Excuse me?" The boy said indignantly with an outraged look on his face. "Do you even know who I am?"

"No, but you don't know who I am either."

Nico watched the boy with an obvious look of amusement as he took a deep breath as if to steady himself. It was obvious the boy was taught to act like a superior and even feel like one. Nico could see it in the way he carried himself, in his posture and tone. Body language was something that was usually clearer than actual words. It was fairly obvious that the boy had a horrible case of superiority complex.

Then a whole sense of calm washed over him and a smug smile reappeared on his face. "I think we got off in the wrong foot." He said. "My name is Magnus Marle. And, in fact, I actually do know something a little bit about you. You're that American exchange student, am I right?"

Nico tried not to show his surprise. Word definitely travels fast. "Yes."

Magnus smirked. "My father has all the necessary resources to gather any information he would need. I just happened to catch that one when I was passing by his office." He chatted, almost calmly. "Hogwarts is an alright school, I guess, if you just ignore the other Houses besides Slytherin house. The others are just nuisances."

"And I'm guessing you're in that house?" He asked the boy, putting aside the question about what the word, Houses meant.

Magnus nodded. "How could you know?"

"Your superiority complex."Nico mumbled before brushing past him, ignoring his surprised expression, and walked towards Alecto who had been watching the two's exchange for a few minutes. Nico waved at him in a far from friendly manner before walking out the door with Alecto at his tail.

Dead Man's Revelation (Harry Potter & Percy Jackson Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now