They spent the entire evening playing together, and Melisa even caught Ekim and Ali cheating a few times. Yeah, that was a funny day.


School was typically annoying, but Ekim woke up from the right side of the bed, especially since she knew she wouldn't be followed by the new students any longer.

When she arrived at school and saw her boyfriend, she immediately ran to him and gave him an embrace while he was waiting for her in front of the school gate. After he let go off the hug he suddenly got on his knees facing her with his back face. He knew that treating her like a child always made her happy. Ekim joyfully embraced his neck, then hugged his waist with her legs while he put his hands beneath her tights to have a better hold on her.

Everyone who knew Ekim well enough knew how much she enjoyed being carried piggyback.

When Melisa witnessed the spectacle in front of her, she attempted to hold back her laughter, as did Hazal, who approached them with a smile on her face.

"You're like a child." Hazal made a remark after observing her closest friend contently being carried.

"I am. Now I'd like you to take me to the cafeteria. I'd like a cup of coffee. "

Melisa tried to maintain her frigid queen persona by remaining serious which was an incredible difficult thing to do, and Hazal couldn't take it any longer. She just laughed at her friends hilariousness.

"As you wish, your majesty." Kanat stated this in the manner of a butler before sprinting to the cafeteria with his laughing girlfriend on his back.

"Hello," she greeted to the woman behind the counter. "I'd like a cup of coffee. What do you want, baby?"


"And a turkish black tea, please." She requested.

The image in front of her made the woman smile. She had known this couple since the day they got together, and their love for one another never failed to impress her. They'd been together since they were about fourteen years old, and yet they still did silly things together like small kids.

"Here." She placed the drinks on the counter. To pay for the drinks, Ekim pulled out her purse. Kanat then gave her her coffee while he sipped on his tea.

They walked to her classroom, or most likely, he walked with Ekim on his back. The whole class looked surprised to see the couple. They were frequently absent for the first two classes, especially when Ekim was being carried around. Melisa smiled as she noticed her younger sister's peaceful demeanour, while Ozan laughed his head off when he saw Kanat as Ekim's horse. The new student, Ayşe, grinned as she observed the bizarre scenario in front of her. It was always amusing to see people who relished their childhood. Leyla, however, believed it was wrong to act in this way at school, while Bekir just marvelled at Kanat's strength in carrying the girl for so long.

"Mel, here." Ekim offered Melisa her coffee so she could wake up as well. Süleyman did not warn everyone that the electricity would be shut off for the night due to various issues. Therefore everyone slept in. When they woke up their mother immediately stuffed croissants into their mouths before hurrying them to the car. So, as the result neither of them had had their morning coffee.

"Thanks." Melisa thanked her before sipping her coffee. Kanat gently placed Ekim on her seat's table, making Ekim upset at how quickly the time passed away of being carried around.

She then kissed him on the cheek and expressed her appreciation for treating her like a princess. Kanat kissed her on the head and said his farewell to her and his friends.

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