Chapter 1: Setting the Scene

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Shuichi Saihara was by all means your standard popular kid.

I mean, he met almost all expectations of that role. He was always top of his class, had charming looks, and had a bit of wealth surrounding him. By first glance you would look at Shuichi and take him as one of guys that every dude wants to be, and every girl wants to be with.

But in reality, it was the complete opposite.

Shuichi was in every way an outcast at his school, it didn't matter how good he looked, how smart he was, or how rich he was. No one wanted anything to do with him, he would never be good enough for his peers.

But how could this be? How could someone like that be so rejected? You'd think he must be some kind of murderer, pervert, or some asshole, right? Well in reality it was none of those things that made Shuichi the top of every person's hit list. What it really was, was something much simpler.

Shuichi had an interest in studying criminals, well, serial killers to be exact. If given the chance, he could go on about the psychology behind it. He could tell you that even though the serial killers more often than not tend to be men, women serial killers are more common than you might think. He could tell you all the details that could be going through a person's mind before or after they have killed. He could even try to correct some killer's mistakes and show how they could've gotten away with it. Shuichi was familiar with the human brain, and he knew what it takes to make it break.

It scared people.

Even though his special interests were oddly unsettling. His main offense was actually openly liking the show Danganronpa. Danganronpa was your average reality TV type of show. The main plot was 16 average high school students would volunteer to excel at the topic of their choice, thus giving them the name an "Ultimate" or "Super High School Level". Through new technology, they could be transported into a fake reality where they are trapped in a school and forced to kill each other. The students would have to use clues to figure which one of them did murder the other, if they get it right, the culprit gets executed and they move on. But if they are wrong everyone else dies and the culprit is declared winner. If the killing continues and there are only two students left, then they win. Each of them getting around 50k.

Or if they find out who the mastermind is.

Even though Danganronpa may seem a level surface, a dark, but entertaining TV surface, I can assure you it has a dark history. When the first killing game happened, it was very much real. Two sisters had decided that it was a lovely idea to lock 16 prodgies in a school and force them to kill it each other. It didn't help much that the world was in a dire state, and that these 16 kids could be there only hope. The gruesome murders were broadcasted on TV for all of the world helpless watch. Even though the sisters had originally planned it together, one ended up betraying another. The mastermind behind it all, they call her "Junko Enoshima: The Ultimate Despair". Only four students made it out of the massacre, and the rest is history.

After the water had settled down, someone made this concept into a TV show. It didn't matter how much they said that it was simply a coincidence, everyone knew what the show was based off of.

So when Shuichi came to school with a Nagito keychain, everyone assumed that he was a freak who excused murder. Or even worse, enjoyed it.

But Shuichi wasn't like this at all, he wasn't some even villain who needed to be locked away. All he wanted was a friend.

But no one would ever be his friend. Never.

Except someone very special.

yayyy first chapter! hopefully this built the world up for a good base for the story! hope you enjoy!!

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