-Chapter 1-

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[Lilith's POV]

I was walking home from the market when I heard a faint crying sound coming from a nearby alleyway so I followed it to see a baby boy with blonde hair that looked to be about a year old was laying on the ground, crying while being wrapped up in a white blanket.

I gently picked him up and started to rock him while trying to soothe his cries. "Shhh.. It's alright, little one.. You're safe now.." After a little while of me rocking him, he stops crying and looks at me with magenta red eyes before giggling while trying to reach for my glasses with his little hands. I chuckled a little. "Well I see that you're feeling better." I look back at the dirt floor where I found him laying beside some trash which made me grit my teeth in disgust.

Who in their right mind would just leave a CHILD out here this late in the day? What if someone who was less kind had found him or what if it had RAINED for Titan's sake?!

I looked back at the small boy who had a very owlish expression on as if he was trying to figure out what I was think. I smiled at him before asking, "Well little one, how would you like it if I took you home with me?"

He just looked at me for a second before giggling and making happy squealing sounds which made me chuckle a little as I started walking back to the owl house. "I'll take that as a 'I'd like that very much'."


[A few minutes later]

"Edalyn, I'm home with your apple blood and I also brought someone with me." I yelled out for my sister while trying to not wake up the little boy who fell asleep in my arms along the way.

My sister walks downstairs and yells out,"Oh boy! Who did you bring wit-!"

I hushed her as the little boy in my arms starts moving a little. "You'll wake him." I whispered to my sister as she carefully walks over to me so she can get a better look at the sleeping boy in my arms before looking at me a little confused.

"Where did you find him?"

"In an alleyway.." I said through gritted teeth.

Eda's eyes widen. "Who would be stupid enough to leave a kid this young in an alleyway at this time of day?"

"I don't know but I couldn't just leave him there so I.."

"So you brought him here?"

I nodded at her question. Eda smiled as she looked at the kid, then back to me before saying, "Well if he's going to be staying here, he'll be needing a name unless you want to just call him little blonde boy?" I rolled my eyes as my sister chuckles a little.

I looked at the boy and smiled as a name came to my mind. "Hunter." I looked at my sister with a smile on my face. "His name is Hunter." Eda nodded before looking at Hunter who was still peacefully sleeping in my arms. "Hehe. Not a bad name for a squirt."

I smiled as I looked at Hunter before lightly kissing his forehead. "Welcome home, Hunter. I hope you'll like it here." He smiles as he slept.

I hear a fake coughing sound coming from my sister to which I look at her confused before seeing her point to the bag that had her apple blood in it. I sigh before I gave her the bag which she happily took before smiling at me. "Thank you, Lily."

"Mmhm. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to set my room up for Hunter as well as baby proof the house"

"Oh wow. He hasn't been here for more then a minute and already you're planning on baby proofing the house. Really committing to the mother role, huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course. Wouldn't want something bad to happen to him, now would we?" I could hear my sister chuckling as I went to my room to set up a makeshift bed for Hunter for just the night until I get him a proper crib. I gently set him down and give him another light kiss on the forehead before smiling. "Goodnight, Hunter." I quickly leave the room to let him sleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter.
[Word Count: 741]

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