chapter three: teddy keychain

Start from the beginning

Fuck that.

He let his legs drop over the edge of his silk sheeted bed, he was fully clothed. He wasn't totally proud of that, probably a contributor to why he wasn't able to sleep. But he was too busy thinking of Vance to remember to change.

God I'm so pathetic.

He let out a huff, the rising sun now peeking over the trees and creating a pink and orange haze over the cloudy sky. A lot of people had expected more than heat during the beginning of autumn, wind blowing and clouds high up in the sky covering all there is too see. But it had been just as hot as May, I'm guessing a lot of people had wanted the heat to die down. Maybe to remove the memory that Billy Showalter, the towns paperboy, had gone missing just the start of that month.

Bruce hadn't known him very well, just that he'd enjoyed giving out newspapers and would often befriend adults due to it. Sometimes if Bruce had woken up early enough he'd see the blond boy pass by his window on his bike, a dog following close behind him and a newly placed newspaper on the freshly cut grass. From his memory the dog was named harper, or something like that.

Bruce was now standing infront of his drawers, a mirror was stood gently atop of the wood. A few picture frames surrounded the silver frame.

Pulling open the wooden drawers, his clothes weren't neatly folded as most people would've expected but they were tossed about. Overlapping and stuffed together, a messy lump of materials. He huffed, he knew he'd have to tidy it up one day.

His room was cold, despite the rising sun, it made him shiver. Covered his arms and legs in goosebumps, the hairs on the back of his neck raising from the minor breeze of cold air that passed him.

He could hear a few lone cars drive past his house, he didn't care for them like he usually does. He used them to distract his mind but today they didn't seem to be helping, he'd just start thinking about Vance even more.

Was Vance a car guy? Maybe if I learnt about cars he'd be impressed? Why would I even need to impress him, what the hell bruce.

Shaking himself from his nightmare-ish thoughts he grabbed a simple shirt, it was red with a white outline covering the collar. He'd had a lot of that same design printed on a lot of his shirts, he was a simple guy.

Throwing on the shirt he'd picked out, then some jean trousers he'd chosen. Bruce had decided this was good enough for a silent bike ride, I mean, the grab-n-go was closed and if he stuck waiting around for it to be open AND for Vance to appear? It'd make him look desperate.

He chose some white trainers, they were scuffed around the edges and mud was sprayed up the back; it was only faint though. He wasn't exactly dressed for the chilly air of the morning but right now bruce had thought that maybe the breeze might help clear his swarming mind.

Bruce wasn't exactly sure if his parents were awake, if they were he'd have a lot of explaining to do. Bruce had never left the house before 9am on a weekend, to their knowledge. When really he'd snuck out plenty of times to avoid everybody, biking down the empty road was escapism. A way for him to escape his mind, to escape everybody.

Gently opening his wooden door, a small creak echoing around the upstairs hallway. He pushes the rest of the door against the wall, being careful to not let it swing.

Stepping out into the soundless hallway, he almost felt out of place. All the lights were switched off and each door was closed, nobody was awake.


He stepped slowly down the corridor, reaching the stairs. The trailed down into a slight curve entering into the front of the house, they were carpeted a boring blueish tint. Bruce had never liked the colour.

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