Part Four

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The trucks stuck out like sore thumbs, Lance knew. Everything in the city was shiny and new. Their trucks were sputtering out black clouds that looked like giant ink stains on the backdrop that was Greenville. They pulled up to the storefront. The bank to the side of it was even more majestic than the newspaper picture. In front it touted five thick marble pillars, and a wooden door twenty feet tall.

On the other side was the ice cream parlor. The newspaper image had dulled its real-life cuteness. The awning featured colorful polka-dots with the name "Sprinkles" printed in small dashes across it. A tiny carousal sat out front for the tiny customers, and Lance laughed at Sam's eyes when a woman walked out with a waffle cone roughly the size of his forearm. A kabob stick jutted out of the pink ice cream cheerily spearing a row of bright, plump marshmallows. "I think I'm going to like it here," Sam whispered to his brothers.

A girl came out,carrying a chalkboard with the day's features. She wore a striped apron ascolorful as her hair. As far as Lance knew, people came in three hair colors:blonde, brunette, and red. This petite girl had locks falling down her backthat were blue, purple, pink, green, and orange. She plopped the chalk board down, then turned toward the brothers. She smiled the biggest, brightest smile Lance had ever seen on a person, then trounced back into the store, rainbowy locks swinging behind her. "I think I'm going to like it here too,"Lance whispered back.


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