"Elizabeth!" - Chapter 8 -

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y/n = your name
n/n = your nick name
M/n = your mom's name
L/n = your last name
F/n = your dad's name
Ms/n = mrs. afton's name

I.N: This is a big ass timeskip bc yes lol, 4 months later aka October.
I didn't give enough context and i apologize for that. When Mrs. Afton announced her pregnancy to the kids, she was already 5 months in😭
Sorry for confusion

Edit: This story sucks ass

tw: none :)

Michael was sitting in his chair, trying his best to not jump up and just run around in excitement.

Your parents had to watch over him as William had to assist his wife during labor. You were all sat in the waiting room patiently waiting for the news.

You kept calling his name but he just wouldn't listen. Instead he rambled on about how he would take care of his little sister, etc.

“N/n, can you believe it?! I'm going to be a big brother!” he gasped “You and her will absolutely get along and we could all play together!”

He tried his best not to scream or anything that could've bothered others but his excitement was growing each second.

As he talked about all sort of things some painful screams were heard. It had already been 5 hours since his mother was taken in and he was worried knowing nothing about this.

Your mother reassured him, played with him and even listened to his rambling. You were just about to fall asleep from boredom when a doctor exited the room.

He made sign it was alright for us to visit and so your parents rushed in the white room.

Your mother of course went to Ms/n's side while your dad talked with William.
Michael looked around the room, scanning every inch of it as if his little sister was playing hide and seek.

He tugged on his father's pants and asked in a whiney voice “Father! Where's she?”
William chuckled and answered him, saying the doctors needed to check something on her.

He pouted but waited anxiously. Not long after he tugged at his dad's sleeve.
“What's her name? What does she look like?”

His father sighed and crouched down to his level. “She looks beautiful, why don't you think for a name for her, hm?”

Michael eagerly nodded and asked you to help him coming up with a name. Both of you threw names that could fit her but none of them seemed right.

Then, after about 10 minutes, the nurse came in with his sister and placed her down with her mother.

You looked at each other and, as if you were reading the other's mind, you blurted out the name.


William smiled and looked at his wife, she just nodded expressionlessly. He then turned to you and announced, “Elizabeth it is!”

You were overjoyed and basically jumped in place. “She looks pretty, mommy look!” you called for your mother and she nodded at your statement.

Soon Henry and Alec joined in the room, as well as Jeremy and Noah. Well, Noah didn't really have a choice, he couldn't careless.

But Jeremy was so excited. The three of you grew closer during the past months and he was your new best friend.

“Mike, she looks so pretty!” He whispered and looked at her in awe. “I know, I know, thank you.”

Time passed and it was time to go. Michael looked around confused. “Why aren't they coming with us?”. He asked in a concerned tone. William reassured him, telling him that they weren't going to be home for at least a few days.

He pouted as he climbed in the car on his seat. That quickly vanished, however, as he waved at you smiling. He and Jeremy exchanged a fist bump and he was soon on his way back home.

You parted ways with Jeremy and his family and soon got to your home, rambling about Elizabeth all the way to it.

The day couldn't get any better. It was just something past three in the afternoon and you were dying from boredom.

“Mama, can I, Mike and Jere go at the park? Pretty please” you begged your mother, ready to show your puppy eyes, but that wasn't necessary as she agreed.

“Go prepare yourself, alright hun?” you nodded and did as she said.


You were playing hide and seek in the playground, laughing and running. Jeremy was currently seeking and you were very well hidden but Michael sucked at it.

You giggled to yourself as you saw him almost getting caught. Luckily for him Jeremy wasn't the best seeker either.

You studied the area in search of free way but your eyes focused on something else.

Someone else.


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