Part 1

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You entered a spacious house. Looking around, you couldn't help but notice how much this house looked like your own. You heard the sound of water on the second floor and slowly walked towards this sound. You chuckled as you picked up the white shirt that lay on the floor in the hallway. You entered the unlocked bathroom, looking at Jaebeom who was lying in the bathtub in the middle of the spacious bathroom. You chuckled as you wiped the blood of his guards off your hands with Jaebeom's shirt. You smiled as you saw the half-empty bottle of water next to the bathtub. Just in time, you thought as you walked around the bathroom. Jaebeom opened his eyes and his eyes widened as he met your gaze. You just smiled sweetly at his hazy look from the drug.

"What the fuck..." Jaebeom could barely speak and stopped when he realized that his body wasn't listening to him. He slowly sank under the water without taking his eyes off you. You enjoyed when the anger in his eyes was replaced by sincere fear. All that remained for him was to slowly sink, unable to move more than a single muscle of his body. You looked at your watch, one minute. You wonder if he's strong enough to last this minute. You chuckled looking at his naked, motionless body underwater. Fuck, he's good... you thought before heading for the exit.

You got into the car and drove out of the Jaebeom mansion. Interestingly, he will be very angry. You laughed, already knowing the answer to that question. Playing in the tough world of men and money, you have learned to be the toughest of all. You loved to remind those who only saw you as a pretty face who you really were.

You stopped and took a deep breath. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back on the seat. From the first meeting, Jaebeom has been a test for you. Especially his haughty tone. The urge to hit him and kiss him were equally strong. Every time, he made you feel like an insecure fool in front of a powerful man. Your name was spoken in a whisper and with fear, and you liked it. But not just him. He was not only stupid enough not to be afraid of you, but also to flirt with you openly.

The sound of an incoming call pulled you out of your thoughts. You laughed softly when you saw Jaebeom's number on the screen.


For the first time in his life, he was scared. He was lying underwater, looking through the water at your blurry silhouette and sweet smile. But you disappeared as quickly as you appeared. He struggled with the pain in his lungs caused by the lack of air. Not a single muscle in his body obeyed him. Is this how he dies? He knew you were dangerous, but he fell in love with you. He had no choice but to provoke you, forcing you to look only at him. Even now, he only thought of you. He felt everything turning into darkness around him. But before the darkness swallowed him completely, he was able to move his fingers. His eyes widened as he struggled to grab onto the edge of the bathtub.

He vomited the water that he managed to swallow while not moving. He fell to the floor panting. His body hurt too much to move. And what the hell was that? He opened his eyes and saw his shirt, which had traces of blood on it. He chuckled in disgust. His bodyguards for you were elementary school boys. Helpless bastards, he snorted, rising from the floor.

Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stepped out of the bathroom. He kept bumping into the unconscious guards in his path.

Jaebeom took his phone and took a photo of several guards who were lying with broken noses in the living room, sent them to the head of his security.

- 14 useless sacks of crap that almost made me go to the forefathers.

He dialed your number, and each beep returned his anger with renewed vigor.

"Yaaa!!!" He shouted into the phone as soon as you picked up the phone. "I almost died in that fucking bathtub!"

Your quiet laugh made him grip the phone with force and throw it against the wall. Damn, he swore as his phone shattered into pieces all over the room. He was going to keep himself under control. He paced back and forth in waiting.

"Are you aware that your guards are unconscious? Like ALL guards... " his best friend's voice stopped him. Jinyoung looked him over from head to toe, raising an eyebrow. "Interesting choice of clothes"

Jaebeom snorted, remembering that he was still only in a towel. Jaebeom quickly changed and returned to the living room. "Let's go" Jaebeom said as he took the wallet and car keys from the table. For a second he wondered if it was safe for him to ride in his car considering how easy it was for you to "came" into his house with the "best" security. He tossed the car keys back on the table. Once is more than enough for today to almost die.

"Do you want to tell me what happened? What about your security?" Jinyoung asked anxiously as they got into the car.

"Today I was shown that the money I pay for security is a waste of money," Jaebeom snorted.

"What?!" Jinyoung abruptly stopped the car.

"You thought I was in a bad mood and knocked out all the security?"

"Well... actually yes," Jinyoung smiled, but his amusement turned to anger. "Were you attacked? And this is how I know about it? Who is this immortal moron? Who should I kill?"

Jaebeom chuckled. "You can't kill her"

"Her?" asked Jinyoung. "Wait... Are you saying that ________ was in your house? And you're still alive?"

Jinyoung's words made Jaebeom wonder if you really wanted to kill him. Or just showed that you can easily do it. You have been looking at the clock, he thought, mentally returning to the bathroom. Jinyoung was right, he thought he was lucky that he survived. But in fact, he is alive because you decided so. Oh, that definitely pissed him off even more.

"She seems to like you," Jinyoung chuckled. "Maybe your feelings are mutual?" tease him Jinyoung.

"Shut up," Jaebeom snorted, lightly punching Jinyoung in the shoulder. Jaebeom tried not to smile. Even in the midst of such chaos, the thought made him smile.

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