Chapter 6 - Third fight

Start from the beginning

The scream, hurtful, broken and scared, echoed through the Observer Room. Everybody stood still as they turned to the monitors. 

It was visible that Kaminari released a ton of lightning, which hit Skeppy full on. 

He was on the floor, not moving. Little tears were visible on Bads face. Kirishima looked worried and Kaminari had a short circuit. 

Kirishima: „What did you do! That wasn't manly at all!"

Kaminari: „..."

But Kaminari didn't answer, only pointing his thumps high. 

While Kirishima was shaking Kaminari in hope to get a serious answer, Bad was shaking. Yes, he was sad, but also angry.

He looked up at the hero students as his eyes suddenly turned fire red, burning with passion and hate. 

Before anyone could say anything, or even react, Bad grew in his size. Black fur replaced his bad skin and costume. His hands turned into claws. His horns disappeared and his ears grew. His face transformed into a snout, shrap teeths visible.  He grew and grew, more than double his size. His tails grew as well and Black fur covered it. In mere seconds his transformation was complete. He stood there, barely fitting into the room. 

A deep growl echoed through the building and the Observer room

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A deep growl echoed through the building and the Observer room.  

Kirishima stood there in shock, too scarred to move, and looked into those deep red eyes.

Another growl, this time louder and then he was suddenly stuck. A giant claw was on top of him, barely able to breath under it. It felt like the claw was crushing him. Next to him was Kaminari, who seemed to slowly wake up from his short circuit. But he wasn't in any better situation. Both of them chocked on their breaths as the pressure on them seemed to grow. 

More growls and teeth fletching.

Both of them were in panic. Would they die now?

Kirishima began to see black dots. A comforting calmness was insulting him, temping you may say. 


The pressure vanished as abruptly as it came. Taking the chance he was able to catch deep breaths, new oxygen filling his lungs. 

The ‚beast', after it released both, turned around to look into those deep eyes, which always comforts him. An angry expression visible.


The ‚beast', who was furious and angry before, turned sad and disappointed in mere seconds. Their tail was hanging low, their head pointed down in shame. A little, this time soft, whine was audible.


The ‚beast' was now laying on the floor, curled up, their head on their claws. The deep red eyes were now a pale red.

The one who screamed was Skeppy. He stood there, no quirk activated and no harm visible.

His angry face turned into a sad, but still soft smile as he walked towards the ‚beast'. 

Skeppy: „It's okay, I'm fine. No harm."

Skeppy stood now in front of the giant head. The snout of the ‚beast' was sniffling, trying to find if this was a lie. It wasn't.

Skeppy raised his hand to pet the other. It visibly calmed the other down as the eyes turned fully white again. A few seconds later BadBoyHalo was back, hugging his friend. His clothes were at their place as they were before. Besides the shoked teenagers in the back everything's was back to normal.

Bad: „I-I'm s-so, so sorry...."

His voice was just a whisper, still scared. 

Skeppy: „It's okay. Nothing happend."

Bad: „B-but I-I lost control, ... a-again..."

Skeppy: „It can happen. Don't you worry."

Silent tears were running down the talkers face. The smaller one softly rubbed circles on his back. Sweet nothings were whispered in the ear of Bad. They like that until the time ended.

Coms: „T-the time is up! It's a draw! I repeat: it's a draw!"

Bad stood slowly up, walking back to the hero team. Both of them stood too and looked at Bad confused, still a bit shaken.

Bad bowed to both of the.

Bad: „I'm so sorry for what happened. I panicked and lost control over my quirk. I-I didn't want to hurt either of you, I promise!"

Kirishima: „Y-you alright man?"

He raised his head in question.

Bad: „Why are you asking that? I was the one who hurt you!"

Kaminari: „But everyone has their quirk drawbacks. Sure, I was scared, but nothing major happened."

Kirishima: „Yeah, I see that too. It was really manly, I must admit!"

Bad: „T-Thank you! This really means a lot for me."

True to their word, they were fine. Scarred, but fine. They could understand how Bad felt after hearing him venting to Skeppy. They could already guess that he lost control since Bad was actually a really nice guy. And they knew if they would be scarred or angry at Bad that he would feel even more down. Comforting others was a part of being a hero. 

And this was one of the first lessons they were able to learn as heros...

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