Chapter 5: Don't Need It

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A week had gone by since the barbecue, and I spent every single day at the beach with the boys. None of us could drive yet, so the boys found their own way there while I rode my bike. Luckily, the closest beach was a short seven minute ride, so it wasn't too bad.

We had gotten in late last night from a gig the boys had at a club downtown. This didn't stop them from making me meet them at the beach at 9 am. When I arrived, the boys were laying down their towels. I joined them and laid mine down at the end of the row. Ashton chirped, "Good morning!" I grunted in return and the boys all laughed at me.

"So you really liked the show last night?" Calum asked, even though I had assured them fourteen times the previous night that I enjoyed their songs.

"If you ask me one more time, I will chop your balls off and make you feed them to a shark."

"Good to know: you are NOT a morning person."

I stuck my tongue out at him in response and plopped down onto my towel. "Aren't you coming in the water?" I looked up to see a puppy dog eyed Luke staring down at me.

"I told you guys last night that I'd be napping on the beach. I am in no way ready to be awake."

"Well, I know a perfect way to fix that." I was about to ask Ashton what he meant, but it was crystal clear when I felt his arms wrap around me and throw me over his shoulder.

"Ashton Fletcher, you better put me down this instant!"

"Sorry, babe. No can do. Besides, the water will be a great way to wake up."

"But it's going to be cold! It's winter here. Come on!"

"Here we go!" Ashton exclaimed, sounding like an Australian Mario.

The water had been splashing onto my legs and making me shiver. I felt it flow up around me as Ashton plunged both of us into the cold liquid. It wasn't freezing, but it was a lot colder than I wanted to be this early in the morning.

When we surfaced, I immediately pushed Ashton back under. When I let him go, he popped up and exclaimed, "That was rude!"

I had begun walking out of the water and yelled over my shoulder, "So are you!" I heard his giggle get closer as he followed us back to the towels.

"You look awful." I could always count on Michael to be honest.

"Thanks, Mike. I usually look better, but I'm running on almost no sleep because four nitwits kept me out all night showing me their rockstar lifestyles."

"That made under your eyes that dark?" He sounded amazed, and I wondered when the last time he had ever interacted with a female was.

"That's my makeup, you twit."

"Wow, no need for the sass!"

Luke stopped me from responding. "Why did you wear makeup to the beach?"

"I didn't mean to. I forgot to take it off last night when I got home, and I assumed it all came off in my sleep. Is it so bad if I had worn makeup here on purpose?"

"No, no, not at all." He stuttered his words a little bit. "I just don't think you need it, is all."

The boys all oohed at him, and his cheeks began to turn red. "Thank you, Luke. That means a lot to me." He smiled in response, but his cheeks remained the same color. "Alright, you guys do what you want. I'm laying out for a while."

"What if you fall asleep and get sunburnt?" Calum's eyes were wide, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's called an alarm, genius. I'll set it just in case."

"Oh, right. Good call."

Even though I was tired, I remembered to put my sunscreen on before I left the house. I stretched out a little bit and closed my eyes, allowing my mind and body to rest.


I honestly tried to spell barbecue with a q instead of a c L O L.

Again, super short but I honestly don't know what to do with this story. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I'd also love if you guys would check out my other story called Things I Can't. It's a Harry story and includes Luke. I'm really into that story, and I'm having so much fun developing the characters and plot.

Thank you for reading and just being generally awesome people. I'm always here to listen if you need it. Stay beautiful xx.

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