Chapter I

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Raine was a maid for Queen Glacier of the Icewings. She wasn't told she COULD attend the meeting, but then again, she wasn't told she COULDN'T. she quite liked the princesses there, well, more than Crystal. They were smarter, and they knew ruling kingdoms was more than just looking pretty and elegant, and they had such good ideas. What were their names again? There was, uhm...Sunset, Lily, Moonshine, Frost, Tsunami, Glory, Aries, and the sibling of the famous playboy assassin, Deathbringer. Raine didn't like Deathbringer at all. And from what she could tell, Sunset agreed. She watched as the young maiden drew her handkerchief through her hand, staring him straight in the eye. A simple way to say 'I hate you. It was all Raine could do to keep them from bursting out in laughter. Raine couldn't tell whether Sunset was angered by Deathbringer's smirk back, but if the princess wasn't, Raine was on her behalf. She tried to pay attention, but the only interesting thing that was happening was Coral calling Thorn stupid. Oh wait, she's not calling Thorn stupid, she's remarking on her age. Lily, one of the Seawing princesses spoke up on the matter saying, "Maybe...Maybe we could host an event for all the tribes. Like sort of a picnic or something."

"That might not work for some of the older people in the tribes. Hosting an event is a good idea, but the people in the tribes older than thirty will most likely try to kill everyone there." Moonshine added.

"Also we would have to have many events," Anenome stated flipping her blonde hair," One event wouldn't magically bring everyone together."

"What about...what about sort of a school," Sunset whispered. Raine looked up. Princess Sunset never spoke in meetings.

"That's a good idea," Lily agreed, grinning a Sunset," What would it teach though? And who would go there just for royalty?"

"Maybe there could be a class for maids. Some of them don't seem to know how to act." Icicle stated, glaring at Raine's sister, Bleached, who brushed off her uniform immediately.

"I was thinking, maybe every royalty member could bring a companion of sorts, like one of the guards or a maid to learn alongside them."

Well, who says I want to go to school? Plus, I bet the guard I want to bring will be taken, anyways." Anemone retorted (looking at Deathbringer) while Lily and Icicle nodded.

"Sunset should be allowed to pick first. It was her idea to do the school so naturally, she should pick first. If we do this, of course." Anemone couldn't find anything to snob about in Lily's statement, so she just sat there and pouted.

"That's a...decent idea." The whole room was taken aback, including Raine. Queen Isis, agreeing with someone else's idea, especially her daughter's, was something that happened extremely rarely.

"Well then, it's settled," Queen Glacier said, ending the meeting

Raine hurried down the taxidermy-filled halls, trying to find Crystal's room when she accidentally walked into Sunset and Deathbringer well...uhm she didn't know. As she left unnoticed, another maid walked in with some tea. "Well, she's gonna be in some shock," Raine whispered to herself. 

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