
Start from the beginning

"Teach them the dance." Ricky joked.

"We could, but something tells me that will take up too much time." Serenity pursed her lips.

"Can we just wait for Miss Jenn gets here?" Nini asked.

"Miss Jenn is busy tracking down a prop. She's asked us to create a crescendo, people, so let's stop swirling and start twirling." Carlos explained.

"But why are we practicing the bows when we haven't even practiced the play?" Ricky questioned.

"You're supposed to start with the hardest dance that takes the longest to learn. It helps give you time to memorize and perfect it before showtime." Serenity responded.

"It's in The Big Book of Broadway page 374." Carlos stated. Gina had also said it at the same time as him, which Carlos found very impressive and gave her a high five. "Okay, people. Let's take it from three counts of eight, right before Troy and Gabriella's entrance for the bows."

The dance started off pretty good before it was time for Nini and Ricky to go. Ricky didn't know the routine at all and it showed instantly.

"What is he doing?" Nini asked Carlos and Serenity once they stopped the dance.

"Why are you talking to them? I'm right here." Ricky furrowed his eyebrows.

"Because you're not here." Nini rolled her eyes. "At least not for the right reasons."

"Oh okay, let's not start this now." Serenity said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what I said, Ricky. You hate musicals." Nini pointed out. "You're only doing this so we're in each other's grills."

"Back to the dance, please." Carlos tried to change the topic, but the two weren't having it.

"Now you're rubbing some weird cologne on your neck." Nini continued.

"Oh my gosh, thank you." Mckenna sighed in relief. "Please make him stop."

"Hey, you love Throb!" Ricky pointed out.

"No one loves Throb." Astrid shook her head.

"And wasting everybody's time by making fun of something that the rest of us, take seriously." Nini ranted.

"Okay, that's a five! On a break, people! Everybody out! Get out!" Carlos ushered everyone out of the room, except Nini and Ricky.

Everyone awkwardly stood outside the bomb shelter and waited for the two to (hopefully) work out whatever issues they have.

"I tried to tell him that Throb wasn't helpful." Mckenna said. "Some people just don't listen."

After about five minutes, Carlos walked over to Serenity. "I think they should be fine now so I'm going to go in and check."

The girl nodded as she watched him walk away for a few seconds before he stopped and turned to look at her. "Um, hello?"

Serenity looked confused until realization set in. "Oh! You want me to go with you."

"Duh." Carlos said as he started walking again, this time with Serenity following him.

"Can we at least try the dip?" Carlos asked the second the pair walked into the room.

Ricky then immediately started grabbing his things.

"Woah woah, what just happened? Why aren't we dipping?" Carlos frantically asked as he watched Ricky gather his things to leave.

"I don't think he wants to try the dip." Serenity said as Ricky headed for the door.

As if one cue, Miss Jenn then waltzed into the room. "Mission accomplished. A precious piece of the original HSM is on its way. Where is every— Where are you going, Troy?"

"It's Ricky."

"Get him back. Now." Miss Jenn instructed and Carlos ran after him. Miss Jenn then turned to look at Serenity who was just rocking on her heels. She gave Serenity a look of urgency.

"Oh me too?" Miss Jenn nodded and Serenity sighed as she headed for the door. "This is not what I signed up for."

By the time Serenity had caught up to them, Carlos had already found Ricky outside in front of the school.

"Sorry, I can't dance like Fred Rogers." Ricky said.

"The puppet guy dances?" Serenity furrowed her eyebrows.

"No, it's Fred Astaire. Fred Rogers potty trained puppets." Carlos clarified.

"Seriously? Wow, I was impressed they made dolls that could cry." Big Red chimed in.

"Ricky, please, you have to—"

"Nini's right!" Ricky interrupted Carlos. "I'm taking up space. I don't belong on stage."

"Okay, Ricky just think about..."

"Save it, Serenity. You don't want me in this. If I go back, Nini will probably quit." Ricky stated. "You need her, a lot more than you need me."

"Now what?" Carlos asked Serenity.

"Trust the process?" Serenity shrugged at what came out as more of a question than a statement.


oh hey! hi! noo i didn't forget to post this chapter like i said i was going to 3 days ago pffttt never!

anyway thank oxangejuice bc she literally reminded me that i had this thing finished

bye loves <3

𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐄, 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐍Where stories live. Discover now