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Real Name:

Sean Swift


Bang Baby






Super Speed, Speed Swimming, Underwater Breathing, Enhanced Lung Capacity, Self-Sustenance, Acceleration Immunity, Supernatural Agility, Enhanced Strength, Supernatural Acrobatic Skills and Reflexes, Enhanced Jump, Supernatural Stamina, Enhanced Durability, Supernatural Recovery, Supernatural Balance, Supernatural Directionality, Supernatural Dexterity, Wall Running, Water Running, Wall Climbing, Vortex Generation, Water Vortex Generation, Prehensile Tail, and Heat-proof from the friction of speed

Voiced by:

Jason Griffith


He's a boy with tan skin, light blue eyes, flipped-up, spiky light blue hair, and a good muscle build. He wears a blue sleeveless shirt, black shorts, and blue converse shoes. As a metahuman, he has a slick and streamlined body for moving through the water and cutting through the wind while running. His skin is made of blue microscopic tooth-like scales called denticles that help him channel water from head to tail like Sharks. He has feet that are hard and flat like tire treads along with light blue webbing between his fingers and toes that help him swim fast. He also has sharp claws on his toes that help him grip through almost any surface. He has long and wide arms and legs. He has gills on the sides of his neck, gill-like ears, and a long muscular blue Sea Monster tail with two light blue webbing on top of the tail and bottom that keeps him balanced when running or swimming. He'll have light blue scales on his head that are like his hair. He also wears a blue Hawaiian wrap with a white flower pattern.


Sean is known to be cocky and addicted to action. He loves doing anything risky and loves winning.


Seaswift's greatest ability is his incredible superhuman speed. He can instantly accelerate at supersonic speeds and break the sound barrier. His speed is so great, that he can defeat groups of enemies in seconds. He also possesses incredible agility and reflexes, which allows him to leap high to other places and over obstacles, and perform acrobatic feats. He can run as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog. He can run on walls and the surface of the water. And he can swim even faster with his denticles and his streamlined body. He's capable of giving himself a boost of speed while running. He's durable enough to withstand being thrown against a stone wall. Seaswift can recover quickly and can get back on his feet to continue running. He's able to recover from falling to the ground. Seaswift has supernatural dexterity as he can disarm a group of police officers by taking their weapons away and can carry them all in his hands before dropping them on the floor. He has an exceptional level of balance, as he can easily run out of a moving car without falling down and staying on his feet. Seaswift has a supernatural sense of direction, as he can easily knock down several police officers in seconds while running in sharp zigzags and circles. He can breathe underwater and swim faster than he can run. He can swim at lightning speed and can move easily through the water. Seaswift can make sharp turns and bends in the water very fluidly. He's immune to burning and extreme heat from the friction of speed.

Seaswift has aerodynamics, a lightweight frame, and weighs only 125 pounds. So, his leg muscles don't have to carry much weight. He has a flattened ribcage and slender legs that minimize air resistance. His long muscular tail keeps him balanced when taking sharp turns while running, making him super maneuverable. He has super sharp claws on his toes that give him traction on almost any surface, from dirt to asphalt. His claws are so tough, that they can't break, and they always stay sharp. He has loose hip joints that give him a 7-meter stride. He also has huge leg muscles that are composed mainly of fast-twitched fibers that contract quicker than normal muscles. His legs are so light that he can move them super fast. He has a huge heart that helps him pump more blood to his body faster and huge lungs that help him take in more air. He's able to run forever without getting tired.

He has a glycogen storage tank that's really big and doesn't burn out. This is the same for his fat and protein storage tank. Because of his never burning glycogen, it doesn't rank down to lactic acid, which causes muscle cramps. He can run so fast that he can create a sonic boom. Seaswift also has special heat exchangers in his nose that cool his blood. So he doesn't overheat. Because of his sharp claws, he can run on steep hills, cliffs, tree trunks, walls, and upside down. Unlike Flash, Seaswift doesn't have an Accelerated Metabolism, so he doesn't need extreme amounts of calories.

His tail is full of strong muscles that help him swim faster with his webbed hands and feet. When he moves his tail while swimming, he swims like an Iguana. Seaswift's tail is also prehensile and can hold objects if his hands are full. He can also wrap it around poles and other objects to prevent himself from falling and give him an extra hand.

Seaswift is capable of creating tornadoes by generating a centripetal vacuum powerful enough to lift a two-and-a-half-ton truck by running in a circular pattern. He can also combine this with water running to create water vortexes by running around their enemies. He has very high dexterity and reacts at superhuman speed. His sharp reflexes allow him to dodge attacks with little to no effort and change direction very easily while running. Compared to other speedsters, he has more control over his speed. He can immediately end a run by stopping in place. Seaswift has enhanced strength as he's able to carry Four Arms and Talon to safety without slowing down. He can recover from injuries faster than any other metahumans and is durable enough to withstand being thrown against a wall. Seaswift can make opponents dizzy to the point of falling unconscious by grabbing them by their arms and spinning them around in a circle at a fast pace. He's also completely frictionless. Seaswift runs like Sonic the Hedgehog, with his head down, and his arms out.


Seaswift's biggest weakness is magnets and charged pulses from Static and Magnetta. They can cause him to be unable to move his feet. Running on slippery surfaces like ice can slow him down while running on sticky surfaces like mud leaves him stuck in place. He can also be held in place if his tail is either stepped on or held down. Opponents with good reflexes and reaction time can counter Seaswift's speed and land a blow on him, such as Tetremands, Kryptonians, and metahumans that can control time. He's also vulnerable to being electrocuted.


Before the Big Bang, he was an athlete in running and swimming. He's won a lot of races and swim meets. He even dove into the ocean when he went Skydiving without a parachute. He was never afraid of heights and would dive into the water from extremely high heights. He's also cocky and likes doing witty banter. He was hoping to get into the Olympics for running and swimming. However, he got hit by the Quantum Gas when he ran toward the docks for his late-night run. His body became slick and streamlined, his skin became denticles, webbing grew in between his fingers and toes, he grew sharp claws on his toes, he grew a tail, his hair became scale-like, and his ears became gill-like. When he discovered that he can run and swim faster, he decided to use his powers to compete in the Championships in running and swimming. But they wouldn't let him because he was a Bang Baby. He tried to compete in running and swimming events, but they turned their back on him. That's when he started to use his powers for evil. He began stealing priceless and valuable objects.

How do you like this speedster? It looks like the Bang Baby Gas has made him the fastest Bang Baby in Dakota. That would be because he's been running and swimming for almost his whole life and has trained to be the fastest. He's like Sonic the Hedgehog with Cheetah, Shark, and Pronghorn features with a few new features like the Glycogen and the Fat and Protein part. He's like the combination of a land and marine animal. His tail is the same as Alberto's Sea Monster tail from Luca (2021) but in a different color. The blue Hawaiian wrap he wears is the same one Pablo wore in The Backyardigans episode, The Legend of the Volcano Sisters. Please Review.

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