Lazy Berry (Kaeya)

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Kaeya ever since his life was never at peace until now, bathing his body to the warmth sunlight through the glass door with his eyes close, visibly relaxed; Mentally and physically.

Paws tuck in too, What a loaf.

The sound of the pleasing cling noises from the wind chimes, the birds chirping happily as they eat their desire food in a tiny wooden house... so silent, so good. His ear twitch unconsciously.

He's so effortlessly adorable In the scene. Letting out a yawn and showing his sand paper tongue out as he wondered about his two lovely companions.

His brother wasn't near him, 'Cherry' perhaps is at his owner and knowing him; Cherry was probably sitting a few inches farther yet comfortably watching [Name] do their work.

Work... hasn't It ended?

Kaeya let out a small screech, feeling his body leaving the wooden floor and replacing it with someone's arms. A familiar scent enter his nose, his stiff body slowly relaxed and then purring contently.

[Name] stares at 'Berry' with a funny smile " Did I scare you didn't I?" they adjusted the cat onto their hold, making it seems like they were swaying a baby to sleep. "My little lazy baby..."

[Name] vigorously giving 'Berry' kisses while Kaeya still purrs accepting the affection his receiving " My cute cute lazy boy, How are you?~"

What a wonderful day for a Cute Lazy Boy.

Berry and Cherry ||  Genshin impactKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat