Start from the beginning

Wanda's hands were wrapped in red energy as she pulled cars out of the parking garage behind them.

"Jesus—" Luna yelled as she threw a car out of the way. Turning around, she began running toward Wanda. But she had forgotten that Pietro was still there, as he knocked her across the pavement. Behind her more cars were crashing down and she was pretty sure Tony had gotten buried beneath them. When Luna finally stopped rolling, Clint, Wanda and Pietro were gone.

"Carter, get here, now," she heard Tony say through her earpiece.

"Alright, calm down," she grunted as she picked herself up and quickly located Tony and Natasha.

"Guys," she exclaimed as she ran up to the two. "This ain't working. You got a plan?"

Tony shrugged, for as much as he could in his suit. "Well, my plan was go easy on them, wanna switch it up?"

Luna sighed. "Not really."

"We don't have a choice," Natasha said.

"Yeah? I'm getting pretty tired of people telling me I don't have a choice."

"Let's go."

Regrouping with their team and checking everybody for injuries, they quickly went back to work. Steve and the rest had spotted their ride and were making a beeline for them. Vision was first, disrupting their way with an energy laser from the stone in his forehead.

"Captain Rogers," he said. "I know you believe what you're doing is right," the rest of the team walked or flew beneath him, blocking Steve's way. "but for the collective good, you must surrender now."

It was quiet. Like a calm before the storm, only the calm itself was a raging fire. Luna stared at Wanda and in her mind, as if the girl could hear her, she thought; 'Come on, Wanda, please... Don't make me do this... I love you.' And for a split second, Wanda returned her gaze.

Then, Steve and his team came charging at them.

It started with walking, then a slow jog.

"They're not stopping," Peter said.

"Neither are we," Tony replied, not sounding too happy about it himself.

Both sides began running and in seconds, the war broke out. Tony went for Cap, T'Challa for Bucky. Natasha and Clint, people who had been friends for years, went toe to toe. Peter was going after Sam in the air, but he didn't stand that much of a chance without being able to swing from building to building. Pietro was everywhere at once, running people over and stopping incoming attacks. Vision flew above the fight, trying to spot Pietro and take him down. Tony and Rhodey were in the air as well, going after Sam as Peter backed off, instead going for a ground fight against Cap.

Wanda was easy to spot, Luna found, her magic rolling from the battlefield in waves. Creeping up behind her, Luna swept Wanda's leg , tripping her before quickly pinning her arms to the ground.

"Not that impressive if you can't use your magic, eh witchy?" she said.

Wanda glared as she pushed back against Luna's grip. In less than a second, Wanda kicked Luna off her, putting some distance between them, "I wouldn't say that." She held out her hand and the energy flowed from it, warping around Luna's legs, pulling her into the air.

Then it disappeared and she began falling. Bending the air beneath her, Luna was able to soften the fall. She stood back up and somersaulted forward, bending the air along her leg and pushing it to Wanda. She landed harshly and sent trembles through the earth, encasing Wanda's legs in rock. Immediately, the rock exploded into pieces. Wanda ran forward, throwing a regular punch.

"Want a rematch, I see?" Luna said, dodging it.

"No," Wanda replied as she caught the counter-punch. Her hand slowly went up to Luna's head. Red began flowing from her finger tips. "Just a distraction."

"Oh, no you don't—" Luna muttered, headbutting Wanda.

Wanda stumbled back, catching her throbbing nose.

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