Someone was shouting, something exploded around her, and a bullet flew past her clothes, but Huazhi ignored everything around and instinctively flew in the direction of the scenery Huai .

Huazhi desperately called out to him in her mind, but got no response, as if she had suddenly disconnected.

Little Gray Rabbit realized something was wrong, [Stop the flower branch! stop! 】

【Blossoms! Don't go there! 】

But its cries have been completely unable to enter Huazhi's brain. As the flower branches approached, the scenery became clearer and clearer in her eyes.

On the ground, Jing Huai's heart has been pulled out.

The bright red heart was beating in the hands of the corpse emperor, and there was a huge blood hole on his chest.

The Corpse Emperor ate his heart in one bite.


Flower branch's heart beat violently, and her brain made a "hum".

This picture, this picture is the picture predicted by An Weijing.

[Huazhi, don't go there! 】

The people around saw this scene and couldn't believe it.

"It ate the scenery?"

"Isn't Jing Huai the same level as the Corpse Emperor? Couldn't he beat the Corpse Emperor?"

"Then we, are we finished..."

Even Jing Huai died at the hands of the Corpse Emperor. To the Corpse Emperor, they were like ants on the ground, they could easily be run over by it!

Countless voices got into Huazhi's brain, making her brain a mess.

At this time, Qi Chaoyang finally arrived.

The people around Qi Chaoyang immediately helped, they stopped the flower branches together, Qi Chaoyang: "What happened? Calm down first!"

Flowers turned a deaf ear, just wanted to run in the direction of the scenery.

In desperation, the little gray rabbit hurriedly played the sentence that Jing Huai just said.

"I'm fine, don't come here."

Jiang Huai's voice reappeared in Huazhi's brain, and she stopped suddenly as if reactivated.

While persuading Huazhi to calm down, Qi Chaoyang looked in the direction Huazhi was running, and there was a scenery lying on the ground!

In an instant, Qi Chaoyang's brain also fell into a blank, "Is that—, Jing Huai?"

Little Gray Rabbit played that sentence on a loop in Huazhi's brain, it was too anxious and could not do anything.

【Huazhi, calm down first, the Corpse Emperor is too dangerous, don't go over! 】

The voice of Jing Huai kept playing in her mind in a loop, the flower branches gradually stopped, she turned her head, only to realize that the person who stopped her was Qi Chaoyang.

"Flower branch, Jing Huai he-"

"He's fine, he told me not to go over." Huazhi's brain finally cleared up completely, she took a few steps back, and her voice lost her usual softness, "He's not dead, he's dead on the ground It's not him."

Huazhi turned to look at Qi Chaoyang, "You take everyone out of here first."

Qi Chaoyang came here specially from the rear, just to meet the power users here.

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