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Present day ... (shaquillle pov.)

I was sittting in bed with my head in my hands as my tears slowly falled down my face, i wanted to be dreaming but i knew this wasnt a dream or a nightmare, this was reality. I kept asking myself and God why? I still couldnt quite believe it even though it was actually happening, i just couldnt accept. I mean why would i? I know i was being punished for all the bad things ive done but why this way, why not another way. I knew my happyness was to good to be true. I guess i was just wanting for news like this, but maybe not this bad.

My thoughts came to end as it was interupted by my bedroom door knocking. I didnt even flinch or answer, i just sat there in the same position ive been sitting in for hours.

the door creaked open and shut.

it was silent for a bit and then my mum spoke.

"Shaquille you need to eat something." she spoke gently i knew by that voice she had a sympathy face and i hated sympathy.

But i remained still.

"come on i know its hard for you but you need to eat" she spoke again.

again i never spoke and remained the same.

"Shaquille look its really hard for me to see you like this, for all these years and youve never cryed,and now your starving yourself. I just want you to be healthy and i know your hurting, we all are we all love shan to bits, but you need to keep strong, i wont let you destroy yourself, i just cant." she said in tears.

"i love her." i said in a whisper afraid to cry aloud.

i felt the bed go down and my mums arms around me and a kiss on my cheeck. " i know you do, you two are in love. A kind me and your dad were in but your love is deeper and that makes me a proud mother. But sometimes lifes a bitch. And do you know what you have to do? make the most of it with the people you love. Live it being happy and taking care off yourself. Be strong were all here for you because we love you."

"why though mum, why this? why her?" i said confused.

"I dont know baby, but what i do know is eveything is for a reason"

i shook my head and spoke with pain. " not this."

three years ago ... are firsst date

It was me and shans first date after a month of talking on the phone and getting to know eachother a bit more. She was a funny girl and was very intelligant.

We were both sat in the park having a picnic as it was nice and warm and she liked to do things romantic with less money splashing. I liked that.

"so i finally get to see you after a month of talking on the phone" i smirked at her whilst taking a bite out of my sandwich.

she laughed a little whilst eating her grapes.

"i needed to see if you were worth a date" she said.

"oh so im worth it yeah?" i said with a big grin on my face.

"maybe, i havent decided yet" she saaid

i laughed whilst shaking my head.

"well your worth my time" i said dropping a wink aswell

she smiled "tryna get in my knickers are yah?"

i laughed again " nah not even, not gonna lie when i first saw you that was my intention then when we spoke you were different and now i ahh forget it." she smiled.

"just because you like someone dosent mean your a neek you know shaq"

" did i say i like you and i know but im not about to turn soft after one date." her smile stopped.

"i dont like you either just saying." i laughed

"thats a shame because i do like you mabye a bit more than your sandwiches, just a little." she smiled and laughed.

"i guess your alright, i guess i like you a little more than your chicken. i dont know yet." i laughed.

"so what makes you like me?" i asked intrigued to know. she looked up and theen shrugged he shoulders.

"dont normally go for naughty boys but your very charming, good looking and funny and theres just more to you, i know theres something behind that bad boy front."

i looked at her intently and then looked away. She noticed and then said. " why do you like me then handsome?"

i laughed and smiled " your beautiful, funny and different."

she smiled. And i happily smiled back.

it was silent after that.

"wow mr i talk to much and wont ever shut up, is silent are you sick?" i laughed when she said this.

"come here" i said tapping my lap. She looked shy but crawled over and sat on my lap.

"your so beautiful you know?" i sad in a whisper

"so are you shaqy" i laughed.

"forreal man, your personality makes you even more beautiful than you are"

she smiled and said " i know forreal your beautiful.

i laughed and shook my head. I looked down at her lips and moved my head forward and tilted it to the side and pecked them but i never moved my lips till she kissed back.

she smiled against my lips and kissed back, this then turned into a deeper kiss, the we both gently pulled away.

"you kiss like a pro" i said

"you kiss like a star" she said

we both laughed.

hyperdonx - what do you thinks wrong ,whats happening?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2013 ⏰

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