Chapter 5-Eventful Dinner

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You were sat at dinner now, less focused on your food and more focused on literally everything else around you. Fiona and Hugh were holding hands under the table, the only other one that seemed to notice was Olive who sat next to the younger girl. Miss Peregrine sat oddly stiff in her chair, it made you wonder what had happened after she went back to bed, or if she even tried to get anymore sleep after that. Enoch was glaring at his peas, poking them with his fork. Emma was zoning out, most definitely tired. Claire was happily chatting with the twins despite not fully understanding them. Horace looks dignified as ever as he cut into his steak. Bronwyn subconsciously flexed ever ten or so seconds as I'd she didn't want to just be sitting down and eating at the moment. And Opal's face was covered in a mask of annoyance, very clearly tired based on the eye bags.

If it was dark in here I could steal someone's fries. You don't know why you were thinking like that when you still hadn't even touched your own food. You were hungry, and it was no doubt good as Alma never failed to amaze you. But at the moment the thought of eating disgusted you. When would be to early to excuse yourself? Normally everyone waited until Miss Peregrine gave the good to go once everyone had finished eating. But the smell of food itself was becoming sickening. Any bother day and you would've loved the meal prepared for you.

Did I forget to take my medication today? You wondered, not nearly as aware of what was around you as you'd been moments ago. Your head snapped up when you realized someone had asked a question. "Sorry, what?"

"I asked if you were alright? You haven't touched your food and you're not exactly focused on any conversation." Miss Peregrine was the first, and seemingly only one to notice your strange behavior. "Is it not good? I can always make something else for you if you'd prefer."

"No, no, it's amazing, you're a wonderful cook. Much to my displeasure I seem to have a loss of appetite." You spoke, poking the peas on your plate much like Enoch had been doing.

Is this real or are you some sort of coma? It could be. This entire place could be some sick concoction made up of your happiest dreams by the darkness in the back of your mind. But you knew you would never be able to make up Alma, no, your mind would never be able to do her justice anyway. You shook your head, trying to clear it of the married woman, only to realize you'd gotten a small headache.

You sighed, pinching true bridge of your nose, your other hand grabbing a handful of the table cloth in your fist. A hand rested atop yours. "Are you alright, dear?" An odd feeling rushed through your stomach at the name but you pushed it aside.

You gave the woman a small smile to reassure her. "Small headache is all."

"Would you like to be dismissed early?" She asked, taking your hand slowly, making you let go of the now crumpled cloth.

You looked down at both of your hands, staring for a short minute before you realized you still had to respond to her. "I can stick around alright. I'm sure I'll be fine." You smiled again, quickly and carefully removing your hand from hers, bringing it to rest in your lap with your other hand.

You began getting caught up in your head again as you stared at your plate. You very suddenly felt a chill, wrapping your arms around yourself in response, trying to wipe away any goosebumps that dare appear.

"So, Y/n..." Your head snapped up once more, though maybe a bit too quickly as a sharp pain shot through your neck, though quickly subsided. Enoch was the one who'd been trying to get your attention this time. "Do you like tea.?" He asked, clearly uncomfortable as if he'd been forced into having a conversation with you. Hell, he probably did it out of a dare that he was too prideful to back out of.

You gave a small laugh, glancing around to see who was listening. Only Emma and Olive were tuned into the conversation, probably the two that dared him. Miss Peregrine was likely listening meanwhile Miss Smith was nearly falling asleep, too tried to hear you. "I like my tea like I like my men."

"Oh? And how's that?"

"Oh, simple really. I don't." You shrugged, smiling despite yourself. You knew very well no one in the home cared, they had a gay headmistress after all.

"Then how do you like your women?" He asked casually, probably knowing full well his headmistress was listening.

"Such an easy question. I like women like I like butter, easy to spread and delicious." You grinned, not caring in the slightest hot inappropriate that was considering the amount of children at the table. Enoch's jaw dropped and Olive and Emma grinned at each other. Miss Peregrine, who'd been drinking from her glass of water had managed to choke on the drink and was sent into a coughing fit. "Are you okay, Miss Peregrine?" You asked her, leaning over to pat her on the back to try and help with the cough in any way.

"Quite." She said when she could finally breathe again. "Now was that really appropriate?" She raised an eyebrow at you, narrowing her eyes.

"I'm fully aware that it wasn't. But I found it funny, and truthful." You shrugged, giving her a small smile.

"Like one hundred percent truthful?" Olive asked, trying to suppress a laugh.

"Oh, shush!" You scolded, waving her off. "I think it best you mind your own business before your lovely headmistress here has to scold me for being a tad too truthful." Miss Peregrine swatted your arm, giving you a warning look that could only mean 'don't you dare tell them anymore'. You just grinned at her shrugging, which definitely didn't bring her and peace of mind.


I don't even- what?

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