The Hierophant

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Sasha was on the way to her parents house, her Father's and then her mother's. She always tries to see them once a month, but it always goes the same way. Pulling up to her father's house she took a few breaths as she thought of jasmine and lilac, the scent of Marcy and Anne to calm her. Remembering their smile, their eyes, their face was the only thing keeping her sane.

She parked in his driveway, stepped out of the car, and locked the door behind her. Adjusting her shirt before knocking on the blue door that connected to his white house.

"Sasha." He said with a smiled.

"Hey Dad," she said softly.

"Don't just stand there. Come in." He stepped aside letting her in.

She stepped in taking another deep breath.

He continued, "Sasha I have a gentleman from the firm, I would like you to meet."

"Not this again, Dad." She rolled her eyes.

"What you said you like guys."

"I also said I like girls."

He looked at her with a blank expression "Okay"

"So, you never acknowledge that part."

He chuckled, "Honey, if I had a partner with a daughter I would introduce you."

"Poor you, the only person at the firm without a son." She scoffed. "I'm not here to be a shiny toy for your company."

"I don't doubt that."

"What does that mean?"

"Would it kill you to put on a little more makeup, and wear less jeans and less leather." He shook his head, "Sasha, really we gave you all the finer things in life and sent you to the best schools money could buy." He poured a cup of whiskey. "Would you like one?".

"No, '' she said through gritted teeth.

He smiled, "suit yourself." He took a sip of the brown liquid. "Honestly, I think we messed up by waiting to send you to private school." He took another sip. "I really think if we sent you to private school in middle school instead of high school you never would have met those friends of yours." He shook his head.

"Don't say anything bad about them." She closed her eyes counting to ten to calm herself.

"They're nice girls, but you let yourself go because of them." He took another sip, "and not to mention you were missing for months because of them." He took another sip. " and that horrible scar. I told you that we would pay to remove it— where are you going?"

"Time's up dad." She walked out the door to her car. " See you for our next session." She yelled towards his house before taking another deep breath.


Marcy was staying at her parents' house until her apartment was ready. Mr. Wu retired last year, so her parents moved back to LA. It was an easy move since they never sold the house, only rented it out. Marcy didn't move back with them at first because she didn't like the lack of freedom with them.

Only thing calming their nerves was the thought of Anne and Sasha. The thought of being able to see them more really made her smile. They looked at their mom in the kitchen and thought what would her parents think if she told them she was dating Anne, Sasha, or both. She laughed, telling herself not to be silly.

Her Parents never said they were against her dating women, but they never said they were for it either. Honestly, they didn't say much since she returned home from Amphibia. Of course, they talked, but whenever the conversation would lead to a deeper topic they always would change the subject. They treated her as if she would break at any moment and she hated it.

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