Chapter 12

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"You want me to what?!"

Mika clasps her hands together. "Bose, please, please, just think about it for a second."

"There's nothing to think about, I just can't do it." Bose says, uncomfortably shifting in the front row seat he's sitting on. Their play starts in an hour and Mika is counting down the seconds to when the adults start filing in. "You know I've got stage fright." He says. "And you know how bad it is."

"We don't have any other choice. The play starts in an hour." Chapa says. "Bose, you could be the only hope we have left."

"Correction!" Mika says, trying her hardest not to go mad with anticipation. "You are the only hope we have left!" She graps the backrest of Bose's seat on either side of his shoulders. "Save this play Bose! Or I will end you!"

Chapa pulls her away from a petrified Bose. "Deep breaths. Deep breaths." She says, rubbing her back as she excessively breaths in and out.

"I don't even know the lines." Bose argues nervously, wondering if he could possibly make a run for it when they blink.

"Yes you do." Chapa counters. "I heard you say them, earlier when you were making fun of Drake." Then she smiles. "Really funny stuff by the way."

Bose flushes, he had no idea Chapa and Mika had seen that. "Eh, I was just messing around."

"Yeah, but your lines were accurate." Mika says, getting desperate. "Bose, you have to do it. You just have to."

"I would if I could." Bose says, the thought of possibly messing up the play for everyone making his stomach drop. "I really would, but-"

"Please, Bose." Chapa begs.

"But, what if-"

"You know what?" Chapa grabs his wrist and pulls him to his feet, grabbing the script beside him. "Why don't we go backstage and do a short rehearsal right now, yeah?"


"Yeah, do that!" Mika says pushing him to follow Chapa. "Thanks so much for this Bose, you da best!"

"But I didn't-"

"I totally owe you one!" Mika calls as Chapa drags him backstage.

She releases a breath of relief when Bose eventually gives up struggling and helplessly follows Chapa. Thank God for that girl. Mika thinks.

Then her head flies into a spin as she starts bustling about, making sure everything else for the play is set.


Mika walks backstage to check on Her Prince and Princess. "How are things going here?" She asks in a singsong voice. "Please tell me you're set. I refuse to hear otherwise!"

"Calm down, Mika." Bose says. "We're set."

"Really?!" Mika asks, she turns to Chapa. "Really?!"

Chapa nods.

Mika sighs in relief. She has really overstressed herself these past few weeks.

"Oh, shoot!" Bose then says. "I forgot my phone out there. Hang on, I'll be back."

He momentarily leaves to grab his phone from the front row seat and Mika drags Chapa aside.

"How on earth did you get him to agree?"

"Let's just say, I have to make a batch of Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting tomorrow." Chapa replies.

Mika giggles. "I'll make half of 'em." She hugs Chapa tightly. "Thank you so much for the support." She says. "I couldn't have done this without you."

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