Chapter 1: The Discovery

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Pfft like hell I'm going to sleep, you thought sitting up from beneath the covers. Right now, you were furious, not only had he been cheating on you for god knows how long but he also straight up lied about it. You rolled your eyes at his words from earlier, feeling your eyes cloud over from tears. Shaking your head vehemently, you bit back the tears. I can cry all I want later, now I need to get out of here.

Grabbing the duffel bag you had packed a long time ago from the drawer -in case anything like this happened- , You went to the dresser where you kept your share of clothes and stuffed them into the duffel bag without a single care. You were moving on autopilot, refusing to allow any other thoughts into your mind at the moment.

After changing your clothing into one more suitable for going out, you slung the duffel bag over your shoulder and slipped on your shoes, the only sound heard was from the still running television.

Glancing back at the apartment one more time, your eye caught on the teddy bear that laid on the sofa dejectedly, pity reflecting on its beady eyes. You double-checked that you had everything and closed the door one final time. After hearing the lock click into place, you dialed a cab back home and since it was rather late, it was evident that it took awhile for the cab to answer.

While waiting for the cab to arrive, you were feeling rather apprehensive, for fear that he may come home any time and catch you leaving his home. Fortunately, the headlights of the car approached the dark street, granting you a sense of relief. The kind driver assisted in placing your bag in the truck as you entered the backseat of the car. After confirming your location, the driver took off without another word as silence permeated in the car.

Pulling out your phone from your pocket, you gave your best friends an update on what had happened. They were thankfully still awake and were dead set on calling you, but you told them that they can do that later as you were in a cab home. Some of their texts had you in tears but you refused to cry just yet.

It wasn't long before you reached the apartment complex which was your home. You haven't been here for awhile as you lived with him. After handing you your belongings, the driver took off with a sincere goodbye. You sighed, trudging solemnly to the elevator, the sight making you feel rather nostalgic.

You clicked on the button and waited for the familiar chime of the lift, signaling that you have arrived on your floor, but felt your phone vibrate. You felt bad that for a moment you had forgotten about your friends. Unlocking your phone, you glanced at the message your friend sent.

Rubae ❣:

That limp-dick asshole didn't deserve you anyway lol.

Niall-edIt ✧:

Right? Like imagine cheating on someone as faithful as (Y/N). What a clown.

Olyviuhh ☾:

What a prick. You know what, let's all go out tomorrow. Drinks on me.

MeiMei ❅:

I'm so sorry for what happened, (Y/N). I just want to let you know that you are super strong for pushing through all of that and making the decision to leave. It was very brave of you! ^_^

Tears pooled in your eyes, making your vision blurry. Before you could even reply to them, the elevator chimed and you bolted into your apartment. Shutting the door behind you, the dam finally broke as you fell onto the floor and sobbed. The tears wouldn't stop bursting forth, as you cried your heart out. Amidst your whimpers, you suddenly hear your phone vibrate in repetition. Fear shot through your heart, has he already noticed that you were missing from his home? You weren't ready to confront him just yet. With shaky hands, you peeked at your phone. Alas, it was just your very worried friends. Clicking on the green button, you were met with questions.

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