Today is the two-week mark since the babies were born. Up until now, he had been trying to handle the babies by himself but anytime he picked them up they would start to cry. I can only imagine the type of stress he was under seeing his wife bedridden for over a week while his babies didn’t like him holding them.

“Come on,” I said patting his side of the bed so he would lay down next to me. He did walking very carefully as if he was afraid that taking the wrong step might cause the baby to start crying. Once he settled himself into bed he looked at me with a big smile clearly proud of himself for this achievement. I then handed Eli to him so that he could be holding both babies at the same time. Now he really started to cry tears of joy. I got my scroll from the nightstand and then cuddled up close to him for a picture. “Okay, daddy smile.” 

The picture showed Hunter with the biggest smile I have ever seen on him as he held the sleeping babies with me leaning on his shoulder. I took a few more pictures of just Hunter and the babies but that first one was my favorite. 

“You know my mom is going to be so happy,” he said as he looked down at the babies. 

“Oh? Why is that?” I asked confused. 

“Because I’m never growing a beard ever again,” he said laughing. Lilith hated Hunter having a beard and she would insist he shave it every time she would see him. 

“I wonder what she’ll be happier to see when she comes over. The babies or you and your newly shaved face.” I joked grabbing the bottles from the nightstand to give them to the babies. 

“That’s a good question. I think she will be equally happy though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing,” he replied. I was about to take one of the babies from him to feed them but he stopped me with a look. “I can feed them.” 

“Alright super dad,” I said then helped him reposition himself so he could feed both of the babies at the same time. “Since you have this handled I’m going to go make sure everything is ready for the guests.”

“Okay,” he replied without looking up from the babies. 

I watched from the doorway for a while. I had married my best friend and now we were raising a family together. It felt like a dream. Eventually, I managed to pull myself away from the doorway so that I could start getting ready. Our families would be arriving in a few hours and I hadn’t done anything. Luckily since we live on the outskirts of the city it’s still going to be some time before they get here. After we got married Hunter surprised me with this house. It was a two-story house with plenty of rooms in case we wanted to make our family bigger. Or so that Ed and Amity could always have a room in our home.

I walked through the house and noticed that everything was spotless. Of course, Hunter had taken care of everything. We didn’t even have to cook because our parents insisted that they would bring food. So all that was left was for us to get ready and wait. I headed back upstairs to our bedroom. When I walked in I saw that the babies had already finished their bottles and were both fast asleep in Hunter’s arms and he was humming to them. Since we had nothing to do till our families arrived I decided to just get back in bed cuddling up close to Hunter. 

We ended up staying like that for hours until we finally got out of bed and got ourselves and the babies ready. About an hour before everyone was supposed to arrive we heard a knocking at the door. I went downstairs to check who it was though if I had to guess I would say it was Lilith. Just like Hunter, she was always an hour early to everything. When I opened the door I was ready to greet her but I was taken by surprise when I not only saw her but my mom too standing next to her. 

“Mom what are you doing here?” I said without thinking. She looked at me with a confused look and I quickly added. “ early.” 

“Well, I knew Lilith was probably going to get here an hour early so I decided I would too. I don’t see why she should get to see my grandbabies first.” 

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