10 - The Final Leaving Feast

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The Headmistress was looking at all the students gathered in the Great Hall. She eventually smiled and began her speech for the Leaving Feast. "You have all done so well this year again, and I am proud of every single one of you. I hope that Kogwarts has brought you lots and we will be delighted to see you next year. First, I wish to congratulate the Slytherin House on winning the Quidditch Cup."

Loud clapping emerged from the Hall. Even Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were applauding everyone was so delighted that Gryffindor had lost. From the Ravenclaw table, Hongjoong clapped politely. He had still not digested Ravenclaw's tight defeat.

He could not believe these were his last moments at Kogwarts. He had lived there for seven years and everything was coming to an end. He and his best friends had sat their N.E.W.T.S. and now they would go on to real life.

"The Slytherin House also needs congratulating," the Headmistress went on enthusiastically, "for winning the Inter-House Championship!"

At that moment, the Great Hall's sober decorations changed into green and silver and the Slytherin table erupted into cheers and applause. Hongjoong smiled as he saw Seonghwa get up and hug Youngjo. He even laughed when he heard Wooyoung shout on top of the general noise, "Take that, Gryffindor!"

The Headmistress clapped as well as the other teachers, and they all finished  their feast. Hongjoong was watching Yeosang talk animatedly to Hwanwoong, and he could see his brother stealing regular glances towards the Slytherin table. It had been a few weeks since he and Leedo had become inseperable, and Hongjoong had had most trouble tolerating them.

But for some reason he had simply kept quiet. Getting angry, as he had done with Seonghwa, had not solved anything. He just thought he had to let Yeosang do what he wanted and come what may.

Dinner soon drew to a close and the teacher vacated the Great Hall. The big tables and chairs also vanished and the students were left to themselves in an end-of-term party with a music band.

Hongjoong, nonetheless, was not in the mood to dance. He was getting nostalgic and was clearly not ready to leave school. He had so much more to learn, so many adventures to live yet.

As the very famous wizard group "Brave Teenage Sorcerers" started to play cheerful music, most of the students went to dance. Wooyoung and San had been one of the first to join the dance floor and were now shouting lyrics on top of their lungs.

Hongjoong spotted his younger brother jumping up and down to get his new boyfriend to come and dance. The Head Boy rolled his eyes as Leedo sheepishly obeyed to please him.

"Will you dance with us?" a soft voice said.

Hongjoong turned towards Youngjo, who had just appeared by his side, with Seonghwa, who looked more marvellous and perfect than ever. Hongjoong sighed, trying to repress some unwanted feelings, and shook his head. "No, you go, I'm not in the mood."

The pair nodded worriedly and went to have fun with the others. Hongjoong found himself a suitable chair in a corner, next to another Ravenclaw, who was staring avidly at the dance floor.

"You're not dancing, Hwanwoong-ah?"

The Seeker blushed and shrugged slightly. "I'm just, hum, waiting for someone to invite me."

"Are you?"

Hongjoong was smirking. He had spotted Yunho a few minutes earlier, talking to his Hufflepuff friend Mingi in a hurried and anxious way, as though he was asking for some last-minute advice. The Prefect was now pacing at the other end of the room, at times looking their way and shaking his head. He was clearly making up his mind about coming to see them.

 "You really like him, don't you?" Hongjoong eventually asked.

The boy bit his lower lip. "Is it that obvious?"

"I think he's the only one who's not seen it." The seventh-year sighed. "You shouldn't wait. You should go for it now. Otherwise someone might steal him from you." He shot a glance at Seonghwa and Youngjo who were dancing with one another like crazy.

"Do you think? What if he doesn't like me?"

"He lost a Quidditch match for you. That should be enough."

Hwanwoong blushed even more. He tried to change the subject, undoubtedly not to think too much of Yunho who was still undecided about coming to see him. "Anyways, it seems like your brother didn't wait too much."

Hongjoong grunted. "Yeah, well, he could've done better. He's young, it'll pass."

"It seems to me he's really in love," the other boy said.

"Leedo will soon get bored with him. When he realises that we're just Mudbloods and that Yeosang isn't all that interesting, he'll just dump him and I'll be there to put the pieces back together."

"Don't call yourselves that," Hwanwoong said in a shocked whisper. "You're both brilliant. And Leedo's so lucky to have him. He's taking good care of Yeosang-ah. He's so happy these days, I've never seen him like that."

Hongjoong sighed again. He wished that were true. But he could not guarantee that Leedo would actually treat Yeosang as he deserved. The Head Boy preferred to be pessimistic about their relationship than to be disappointed. However, for both their sakes, he would comply and wish them well for the time being. He could do that for his brother, Yeosang. He could do that for his friend, Leedo.

"Would you come and dance with me?"

Hongjoong started. He had been staring at his baby brother dancing close too close to his Slytherin boyfriend, lost in his thoughts, and he turned towards the tall Hufflepuff in front of them. Yunho had finally gathered some strength and was shaking slightly, looking expectantly at a beaming Hwanwoong.

"Dance with you?" Hwanwoong repeated innocently.

Yunho discretely dabbed his sweaty hands on his trousers and nodded frantically. "Unless you don't want me to"

"I want you. I mean," Hwanwoong immediately corrected himself, "I want to dance with you."

Yunho sighed out of relief and held out his hand, which the boy dressed in blue took. Hwanwoong distantly waved goodbye at Hongjoong, who remained seated, watching the crowd of overexcited students.

His eyes then met those of another seated boy, at the other end of the large room. He recognised Choi Seoho, the Gryffindor Head Boy, who was also keeping an eye on his younger brother. Jongho was having fun with other students from his House.

Seoho, who was sitting all alone, did not seem to be rejoicing. Hongjoong knew that he, too, must be sad to leave Kogwarts, which had been his home for so many years.

The Gryffindor sustained his gaze, yet not defiantly. He seemed to be pondering over something. Seoho eventually stood up with a smile and walked slowly through the room up to the other Head Boy. Hongjoong had often chatted with Seoho on the train to Kogwarts, or in the Head Boys' bathroom. Unlike Leedo, he actually appreciated the boy's uprightness and his pride.

Seoho sat on the chair that Hwanwoong had freed. He stayed silent for a moment and eventually said, "You also hate that Slytherin won the Cups?"

"Not only that, but my brother's heart." He pointed his chin at Leedo who was grinning brighter than ever, watching Yeosang spin around and jump as the music went. Hongjoong sighed, now resigned, and added as an afterthought, "But I have to admit I'm rather glad it wasn't Gryffindor."

He turned towards Seoho. The other boy seemed to be about to get angry and, when he saw Hongjoong's smile, he understood that he had made an attempt at humour. They ended up smiling fondly at each other. Hongjoong did think Seoho had a nice eye smile.

Suddenly, nearing footsteps ended the boys' moment, and Yeosang appeared, dragging Leedo along with him. They looked both out of breath and they were covered in sweat after dancing so much. Hongjoong kept his smile on and contemplated the couple.

Yeosang glanced quickly at Seoho, and back at Hongjoong, and teased, "Not falling for a Gryffindor, are you, hyung?"

And Hongjoong's smile did not falter. Maybe he was falling for a Gryffindor. But, he decided, what was the harm in that?

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