9 - Of Ravens and Snakes

Start from the beginning

Yeosang lifted his hand to caress the soft green fabric, and met Leedo's hand on the way. He blushed and tried to pull back, but the Slytherin grabbed his delicate fingers. "You'll be cheering for me, won't you?"

Yeosang nodded slowly, unable to do anything else when Leedo was so close. The eldest of them two eventually smiled and left him in the middle of the corridor. Yeosang held the scarf tight against his face and Leedo's scent invaded him entirely. He could never get enough.

The Quidditch stands were packed with students and teachers, as the warm May weather had attracted most of the school that Saturday morning. Yeosang and Hongjoong had decided to remain with their fellow Ravenclaws to support their team — especially Hwanwoong who dreaded to play against such a good team as Slytherin.

Yeosang had superimposed his Ravenclaw scarf with Leedo's and was proudly wearing both. Whatever the outcome of the match, he would be content. He knew, however, that Hongjoong would never accept Slytherin's victory, even though all of his friends were in the House.

The Prefect watched anxiously as the Quaffle was thrown and Leedo flew up in the sky, chasing after Bludgers and sending them onto Ravenclaw players. One of them got a Chaser on the leg and the girl almost fell off her broom. Nonetheless it seemed that Leedo had intended to leave Hwanwoong alone for now.

The match was quite long, as neither Seeker could find the Snitch and the two teams were neck and neck. It was the Slytherin girl who eventually ended the match, but all Yeosang could notice was that, when Leedo had had at least four opportunities to hit Hwanwoong with a Bludger, he had looked the other way.

Loud cheering erupted from the Slytherin stands and Yeosang himself could not contain his ecstasy. He gave a bright grin to his brother, who looked a bit sulky. As Slytherins were pouring onto the pitch, Seonghwa passed the two brothers. He was beaming.

"Hum, good game," Hongjoong mumbled uncomfortably, still disappointed and still slightly alarmed in Seonghwa's presence. "You deserve the Cup."

He held out his hand to Seonghwa who simply rolled his eyes and went in for a hug. This surprised Hongjoong, who seemed not to know what to do. He eventually melted into the hug and Yeosang noticed that he was smiling for the first time in months.

As they pulled, Seonghwa said softly, in a hoarse voice, as though something was blocked in his throat, "You know I love you, Hongjoong-ah, right?"

"Yeah," the other Head Boy replied, "and I suppose you know I love love you."

"It doesn't matter. You're still my best friend."

Hongjoong gave a soft chuckle and they hugged again in front of Yeosang, who could not help but smile too. "Shall we go and congratulate the athletes?" the youngest eventually suggested. He just needed to see Leedo. He could not wait any longer.

They ran towards the pitch and met Youngjo on the way. He was looking for Seonghwa and he smiled approvingly when he saw how close he looked to Hongjoong. The Slytherin Head Boy jumped onto his boyfriend and gave him a long passionate kiss. When they parted, Hongjoong nodded in Youngjo's direction, which made the Captain grin.

"We've missed you, mate. Hwa couldn't live without you. He's not the same same since you've been... distant. We needed you back."

Yeosang did not listen to what they said and desperately looked for Leedo. He spotted a few known faces — Lee Keonhee and Choi Seoho were leaving the pitch, looking completely devastated; Yunho was hugging a sobbing Hwanwoong, drying his tears and kissing his forehead gently. Then he saw Leedo.

The tall boy was lifting two younger students in his arms, one wearing a Slytherin scarf. Yeosang smiled when he recognised his friend and began to speed towards him. When Leedo spotted him, he dropped the twins immediately and his face shone brightly.

Yeosang did not feel his Ravenclaw scarf fall down with the wind and he jumped into Leedo's still outstretched arms. The Beater's strong arms held him tight and it gave Yeosang enough courage to whisper, out of breath, "You were brilliant, hyung."

"That's because I had brilliant support. You were cheering the loudest."

Leedo had pulled back slightly, giving his most charming smile to the boy. They stared at each other for a moment and Yeosang stuttered, "I— I just—" But Leedo was already closing his eyes and leaning towards him.

Yeosang waited for the kiss but a sharp voice stopped it from coming. "I beg your pardon? What are you doing to my brother?"

The two boys turned around to face Hongjoong who was looking furious. Seonghwa and Youngjo had just arrived too, having caught up on the Ravenclaw Head Boy. "You're absolutely not going for a Slytherin. Especially not him." Hongjoong's voice had taken on a menacing tone.

"I guess you don't call me a friend anymore?" Leedo muttered darkly.

"Not when you're assaulting my brother."

"Hyung!" Yeosang cried authoritatively. Everyboby turned towards him. They were not used to hearing him speak up. But he was glad he had. "I'm old enough. I'm a fifth-year. I'm a Prefect. I know what I want. And I want a Slytherin, too."

Hongjoong narrowed his eyes but said nothing, as Seonghwa had put a gentle hand on his arm. Next to Yeosang, Leedo was keeping quiet, waiting for his friend to keep going. "Please, let me do my own thing for once?" Yeosang implored painfully.

Yeosang's grip on Leedo's shoulders became tighter. He was dreading Hongjoong's reaction. He could not stand to be far away from Leedo for another second. "May I?" Leedo suddenly asked softly. He had spoken to Hongjoong. The Head Boy took a minute to answer, and simply looked away.

Leedo grinned and turned to Yeosang, still safe in his embrace, leaning for a deep, much needed kiss.

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