everything has changed

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This morning Oliver woke up with a certain Slytherin Quidditch Captain lingering on his mind, his toned arms, his hair and how it danced with the wind, he was perfect. It was odd at first, never in a million years would he have imagined having the latter on his mind other than because he was angry or frustrated. Oliver's breath sharpened as he stood out of bed, the realization of something so strong had impacted him more than he would like to admit. He splashed his face with cold water, panting in front of the mirror. It couldn't be real, it just couldn't be. The doubt of this being a cruel joke on him remained.

However, he had some sort of urge to try to get to know Marcus better. It's funny, he thought, how they've known each-other's for so long yet they didn't know one another. Where was this urge even coming from?

Marcus. Marcus. Marcus. Marcus. Marcus.

The name kept ringing in his ears like a siren's serenade, some sort of enchantment. That must be it! This is a love potion of some sorts, some stupid prank on him. Oh, how they must be laughing at him in the Slytherin Common Room. He huffed at the thought, his
He pride would be severely hurt if that were the case.

He finished readying himself before rushing to the library. Oliver ran to the library as fast as he possibly could, he needed to find a way to get rid of whatever they had done to him. In his energized state, he failed to realize someone was holding the door for him. What?!

"Hello, Wood." A deep voice came from behind Oliver. He could recognize this voice from a million miles away, it belonged to none other than Marcus Flint, the boy who has caused Oliver's distress. The familiarity was there yet he could not hide his shock- it was too soon to see Marcus.

"What do you want?" Oliver turned to face Marcus, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Oliver's brown eyes met Marcus's brown eyes for a split second to which Oliver looked away. He hated to admit it but he was flustered, the image of the other's arms burned into Oliver's mind. Marcus' smile whenever Slytherin managed to score on Gryffindor, in the back of Oliver's head. I wish I could know him
better. No! What was he possibly thinking?

"What's the problem? Can't I just be doing this out of the kindness of my heart?"

Oliver scoffed, "As if!" he brushed passed Marcus, attempting to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. Oh, come on! Butterflies? It can't be!

Oliver looks through books and books. He flips through the pages desperately, he ought to find something that could help him.

Marcus sat down in the chair beside Oliver, possibly to get on his nerves.

"So, what's got you so stressed?" Marcus said, nodding at the pile of books and scattered pages.

"As if you don't know," Oliver muttered, continuing to read through the multitude of open book pages.

"I'm not a mind reader so no, I don't know what you're talking about." Marcus let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, come on! Stop acting like you don't know!"

"Seriously, what's your problem? I have no clue what you're talking about!"

"You! You're my problem! If it wasn't for your stupid prank, I wouldn't be like this!" Oliver shouted out, he was tired of Marcus denying giving him the love potion, pranking him. Why didn't he just admit to it?"

"Like what?" Marcus questioned, he knew he didn't do anything to Oliver so why was the latter accusing him of something?

"You! You! You gave me a love potion!" Oliver finally managed to spit out.

"What?!" Marcus couldn't help but laugh, that was by far the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. "I didn't give you a love potion." Marcus responded in between laughs.

Oliver sighed in frustration, his anger bubbling up. "You did! Don't deny it! You and your stupid arms! Your stupid eyes and smile! You gave me a love potion or else I wouldn't be thinking about you so much!"

"So, you're thinking about me?" Marcus teased Oliver, pushing the Gryffindor's buttons even more.

"Ugh! Just- whatever!" Oliver huffed and stormed away. He was angry, frustrated, but most of all-defeated.

He walked back to his room, plopping himself on his bed. Marcus's voice lingered in his mind, immediately making Oliver angrier yet comforted? He couldn't quite put his finger on it, his emotions were mixed up, all over the place. He shouldn't have lashed out on Marcus, if it wasn't him then now he would make fun of Oliver and bring out the whole Slytherin team to do so too, then the whole school will turn Oliver into the laughing stock.

As he became lost in his thoughts, Oliver heard a knock. It immediately caught his attention so he went to see what the deal was, the boys could just walk in so he was curious. However, all he saw was a note on the floor. It read, 'Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at 9pm'

Okay? Oliver inspected it to see who it was from. Maybe it wasn't for him.

He continued to stare at it, debating with himself whether or not to consider it. Sighing, he threw it away. Why would he even bother?

As the day went on, Oliver looked at the paper every so often, curiosity lingering.

"Ugh, fine! I guess I'll take a look," Oliver finally said.

He got himself ready but not too ready just in case, at least presentable. With doubts in his mind, he made his way to the Astronomy Tower. I shouldn't be doing this. He was beginning to second guess himself.

As Oliver arrived, he saw someone sitting on a blanket. He couldn't exactly make out who it was so he decided to walk away. He turned around, ready to leave, believing the other person hadn't noticed him.

"Glad you could make it." Marcus? Oliver stopped in his tracks, heart racing. He turned around once more, slowly walking towards Marcus.

"I-I'm sorry for accusing you earlier." Oliver started sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

"I understand why but is what you said earlier true?"

"Yeah," Oliver continued, embarrassed still.

Marcus patted the space next to him for Oliver to sit beside him. Oliver sat beside him, admiring the Slytherin boy's features under the moonlight.

They stared into each other's eyes, leaning in slowly. Marcus realized and shifted quickly, he cleared his throat, attempting to say anything but he couldn't. The two continued to look at each other, observing the details of each other's faces, the smallest details. Their hearts beating rapidly and loudly, the only sound they could hear. Their heart beats almost danced with each other, the way they matched so perfectly.

"I just wanna know you better," Oliver finally whispered out, it felt good to let his feelings out yet so scary at the same time, he was being vulnerable and letting his guard down.

"I just wanna know you better too," Marcus replied softly, looking at Oliver with a small smile. Oliver smiled back.

They both lay back on the blanket, wrapped in each other's embrace, looking up as the nigh faded away.

This fateful night, November 27, 1993, everything had changed between Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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